
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stara e booka", znaleziono 3

Business start-up 1 student's book
Business start-up 1 student's book
Stephens Bryan, Ibbotson Mark

Business Start-up is a two-level Business English course which takes beginners and false beginners from basic English up to the point where they can start preparing for the BEC Preliminary examination...

Business start-up 2 student's book
Business start-up 2 student's book
Bryan Stephens, Ibbotson Mark

Business Start-up is a two-level Business English course which takes beginners and false beginners from basic English up to the point where they can start preparing for the BEC Preliminary examination...

Business Start-Up 1 Teacher's Book
Business Start-Up 1 Teacher's Book
Ibbotson Mark, Bryan Stephens

Business Start-up is a two-level (CEF level A1/A2) Business English course for adults who need English for their work. The Teacher's Book contains detailed notes on every lesson with added tips and ad...

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