
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "starr hobbs", znaleziono 6

Real Life Elementary Student's Book
Real Life Elementary Student's Book
Keddle Julia Starr, Hobbs Martyn, Marta Umińska

Materiał podstawowy na 90 godzin lekcyjnych Real Life gwarantuje skuteczne przygotowanie do matury! Real Life gwarantują skuteczną komunikację w języku angielskim! Podręcznik przeznaczony do kształcen...

Your Space 3 Student's Book
Your Space 3 Student's Book
Hobbs Martyn, Keddle Julia Starr

Your Space is a motivating three-level English course for young students. The course is designed to grow and change with students, helping them to develop the skills they need. Students are supported ...

Your Space 2 Student's Book
Your Space 2 Student's Book
Hobbs Martyn, Starr Keddle Julia

Your Space is a three-level course designed to motivate students as they change and grow. The Level 2 Student's Book contains ten visually appealing units and ample material for extra practice and ext...

Your Space 1 Student's Book
Your Space 1 Student's Book
Hobbs Martyn, Starr Keddle Julia

Your Space is a three-level course designed to motivate students as they change and grow. The Level 1 Student's Book contains ten visually appealing units and ample material for extra practice and ext...

Your Space 1 Workbook
Your Space 1 Workbook
Hobbs Martyn, Starr Keddle Julia

Your Space links your students' own world to the language classroom, giving them 'space' to explore and develop their English language skills, and takes them step by step through the language they nee...

Your Space 2 Class Audio 3CD
Your Space 2 Class Audio 3CD
Hobbs Martyn, Starr Keddle Julia

Your Space is a three-level course designed to motivate students as they change and grow. Students are supported to explore and personalise new language right from the start, enabling them to communic...

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