A gently amusing, heartwarming romance set in the Brecon Beacons in Wales. Amy's life is in tatters, made homeless after breaking up with the cheating boyfriend that she abandoned her career for. Sh...
In 1979, a secret unit was established by the US Army. Defying all knownmilitary practice - and indeed the laws of physics - they believed that asoldier could adopt a cloak of invisibility, pass clean...
For almost 20 years and under its previous title as the Lloyds TSB Small Business Guide, this book was the start up bible for over a million people. Last year this bestselling guide was rebranded as t...
Animal poems by Nick Toczek. He works as a poet, storyteller, journalist, lecturer, political researcher, novelist and stand-up comedian. His work has appeared in numerous anthologies, pamphlets, maga...
"Do you know what it takes to be a star at work?special insights for women and members of minority groups
THE PERFECT GIFT for the music lover. __________________________________ 'This is the rock star. His name is Bob Dylan. Bob is rehearsing with his band. It takes a long time. First the band have to le...
The Whale Wash isn't the most glamorous job -- but that doesn't mean Oscar can't have fun while he works there! Based on a musical number in the Dreamworks movie, this book bubbles with humor and is d...