
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "state za nas", znaleziono 184

State by State Guide 3e
State by State Guide 3e
Walter H. Diamond

In today's world of globalization, the United States generally is considered by foreign investors around the world to be the safest and most profitable location to invest their funds and from where to...

Solid State Physics
3 wydania
Solid State Physics
S. Palmer, H. Ehrenreich, Richard Edmund Ashcroft

Solid State Physics opens with the adiabatic approximation to the many-body problem of a system of ions and valence electrons. After chapters on lattice symmetry, structure and dynamics, it then proce...

Solid State Theory
Solid State Theory
U. Roessler

Solid-State Theory - An Introduction is a textbook for graduate students of physics and material sciences. Whilst covering the traditional topics of older textbooks, it also takes up new developments ...

Vampire State Building Vol. 1
Vampire State Building Vol. 1
Patrick Renault
Cykl: Vampire State Building, tom 1

Terry Fisher, a young soldier about to be sent on operation, has arranged to meet up with friends at the top of the Empire State Building for a farewell party... But suddenly a legion of Vampires att...

From Binational Society to Jewish State
From Binational Society to Jewish State
Y. Gorny

The central issue in this book are the federal ideas in the Zionist political thought during seventy years, from the early 1920s to the late 1990s. These ideas and plans had a double meaning and purpo...

Department of State 1789-1939
Department of State 1789-1939
Andrzej Mania
Seria: Prace Amerykanistyczne

Niniejsza monografia zrodziła się z przekonania o tym, ze wiedza o Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki, ich instytucjach, polityce jest coraz bardziej przydatna do zrozumienia mechanizmów polityki zagranicz...

Magnetism in the Solid State An Introduction
Magnetism in the Solid State An Introduction
P. Mohn

This book presents a phenomenological approach to the field of solid state magnetism. After introducing the basic concepts from statistical thermodynamics and electronic structure theory, the first pa...

Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures 2e
Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures 2e
Thomas Heinzel

This text treats electronic transport in the regime where conventional textbook models are no longer applicable, including the effect of electronic phase coherence, energy quantization and single-elec...

Effective Application of EU State Aid Procedures
Effective Application of EU State Aid Procedures
P. Nemitz

National practice, law, and jurisprudence on state aid are developing rapidly in the present context of EU decentralization. Although the EU rules governing state aid are widely discussed, there has b...

State Space Approach to Canonical Factorization with Applica
State Space Approach to Canonical Factorization with Applica
H. Bart

The present book deals with canonical factorization of matrix and operator functions that appear in state space form or that can be transformed into such a form. A unified geometric approach is used. ...

State Aid Policy in the European Community
State Aid Policy in the European Community
P. Nicolaides

As full market integration in the EC comes into clearer perspective, the danger of distortions of competition become more evident. Although state aid may be provided to undertakings for a variety of r...

Hepatitis C State of Art at Millennium
Hepatitis C State of Art at Millennium
Charles L. Branch Jr.

A hardbound compendium of Volume 20, Numbers 1 and 2 of the journal, Seminars in Liver Disease, this new volume brings together an international group of distinguished authors to present 16 current, i...

The Role of the State in West Asia
The Role of the State in West Asia
Annika Rabo, Bo Utas

West and Central Asia have for centuries contributed to shaping the identity of Europe by constituting a significant other. This work aims to explore the diverse facets of this contribution, looking a...

Modelling Fluid Flow the State of the Art
Modelling Fluid Flow the State of the Art

Modelling Fluid Flow presents invited lectures, workshop summaries and a selection of papers from a recent international conference CMFF '03 on fluid technology. The lectures follow the current evolut...

Parallel State and Arbitral Procedures in International Arbi
Parallel State and Arbitral Procedures in International Arbi
B. Cremades

In recent years, international commercial arbitration procedures have made great strides to bring into line different traditions of law and practice. But considerable problems remain. The aim of this ...

Foundations of Nanomechanics From Solid-State Theory to Devi
Foundations of Nanomechanics From Solid-State Theory to Devi
Andrew N. Cleland

This text provides an introduction, at the level of an advanced student in engineering or physics, to the field of nanomechanics and nanomechanical devices. It provides a unified discussion of solid m...

Liberalization of State Monopolies in the European Union
D. Geradin

The book explores the many legal and economic challenges emerging from the liberalization process engaged by the European Community with respect to state monopolies. It is divided into three parts. Ta...

Steve Kerr. Od Chicago Bulls do Golden State Warriors
Steve Kerr. Od Chicago Bulls do Golden State Warriors
Scott Howard-Cooper

Niewielu sportowców przeżyło równie nieprawdopodobną karierę co Steve Kerr. Jako zawodnik zdobywał mistrzowskie tytuły w NBA, a później został trenerem, dyrektorem generalnym klubu i szanowanym komen...

Russian State Archive of Literature & Art Complete Archive G
Russian State Archive of Literature & Art Complete Archive G
K. Waschik

The Russian State Archive of Literature and Art is one of Russia's largest archive collections. This CD-ROM edition describes 2,902 record groups containing almost 1.5 million individual documents; 90...

Finland 1917-1918. In the documents of the Department of State
Finland 1917-1918. In the documents of the Department of State
Jarosław Suchoples

Publikacja w języku angielskim przedstawia zapisy historyczne na temat Finlandii z lat 1917-1918 w dokumentach Departamentu Stanu.

The state and development in Aafrica and other regions: past and present
The state and development in Aafrica and other regions: past and present
Krzysztof Trzciński

Publikacja anglojęzyczna ? księga jubileuszowa z okazji 70. urodzin prof. dr. hab. Jana. J. Milewskiego. Professor Jan J. Milewski is and economic historian and one of the Nestors of African studies i...

Department of State i Foreign Service w polityce zagranicznej USA lat gorącej i zimnej wojny 1939-1989
Department of State i Foreign Service w polityce zagranicznej USA lat gorącej i zimnej wojny 1939-1989
Andrzej Mania

Okres wielkiej konfrontacji to czas, w którym Stany Zjednoczone stawały się mocarstwem, a w polityce zagranicznej przejawiały coraz większą aktywność. Głównym obiektem ich zainteresowania byt Związek...

Member State in the Decision-Making System of the European Union. The Example of Poland
Member State in the Decision-Making System of the European Union. The Example of Poland
Piotr Tosiek

While no single theory of integration is able to explain the functioning of the European Union, member state remains the most powerful element of the EU decision-making system. Three approaches of dif...

Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanis
Public Procurement as a Tool of State - Building in Post - Conflict Situations: The Case of Afghanis
Ewa Suwara

The dissertation is a novel study on the Polish literature market. In an interesting manner, it presents an important issue in terms of economy and state institutions, namely, public procurement. Her ...

Idealny stan
Idealny stan
Brandon Sanderson

Bóg-Cesarz Kairominas jest panem wszystkiego, co go otacza. Pokonał wszystkich wrogów, zjednoczył cały świat pod swoimi rządami i opanował magię. Większość czasu zajmują mu potyczki z arcywrogiem, k...

2 wydania
Colin Forbes
Cykl: Tweed, tom 16

Stan wstrzymania
2 wydania
Stan wstrzymania
Charles Stross

Jest rok 2018. Sierżant Sue Smith z edynburskiej policji dostaje dość szczególne wezwanie. W firmie Hayek Associates, młodej spółce, która dopiero co weszła na londyńską giełdę, obrabowano bank. Jedna...

Starożytna Macedonia
Starożytna Macedonia
N.G.L. Hammond
Seria: Rodowody Cywilizacji [CERAM]

N.G.L.Hammond należy do najwybitniejszych brytyjskich historyków starożytności, oto jedna z jego publikacji. Zawiera losy Macedonii od ludów koczowniczych po kres państwa Macedońskiego w 168r.p.n.e

The Concept of State and Nation in Polish Political Thought in the Period of War and Occupation (1939-1945)
The Concept of State and Nation in Polish Political Thought in the Period of War and Occupation (1939-1945)
Jerzy Juchnowski, Jan Ryszard Sielezin

The book continues investigations presented in The Concept of State in Polish Political Thought in the Period 1918-1939 by Jerzy Juchnowski and Jan Ryszard Sielezin. It presents the development of Pol...

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