
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "steel erico", znaleziono 4

V E R S U S O dwoistości strukturalnej faz rozwoju w ekologii cyklu życia psychodynamicznego modelu Erika H. Eriksona
V E R S U S O dwoistości strukturalnej faz rozwoju w ekologii cyklu życia psychodynamicznego modelu Erika H. Eriksona
Lech Witkowski

Książka prof. Lecha Witkowskiego "Versus" rzuca metodologiczne wyzwanie pedagogom i psychologom oraz ich podręcznikom w zakresie odczytania i zastosowania teorii cyklu życia Erika Eriksona. Kluczowa i...

Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic 2 vols
Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic 2 vols
Andrew George

Presents a definitive text with full apparatus of introduction, translation, and commentary, and facsimiles of the cuneiform which are true to the original documentsBased on theauthor's first-hand stu...

Graphic Canon, Volume 1: From The Epic of Gilgamesh to Shakespeare to Dangerous Liaisons
Graphic Canon, Volume 1: From The Epic of Gilgamesh to Shakespeare to Dangerous Liaisons
Russ Kick
Cykl: Kanon graficzny, tom 1

he Graphic Canon, Volume 1 takes us on a visual tour from the earliest literature through the end of the 1700s. Along the way, we’re treated to eye-popping renditions of the human race’s greatest epic...

Dances of Deception: A Legend of Tivara Epic Fantasy
Dances of Deception: A Legend of Tivara Epic Fantasy
J C Kang
Cykl: The Dragon Songs Saga, tom 3

An invincible empire threatens to invade Cathay, and only a Dragon Song can ensure peace. After vanquishing the Last Dragon with the power of her voice, all Kaiya wants is a quiet life of anonymity. ...

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