Skills Builder to seria opracowana z myślą o rozwijaniu wszystkich czterech sprawności językowych na poziomie szkoły podstawowej. Program obejmuje materiał językowy zwykle znajdujący się w podręcznika...
This best-selling sentence-level worktext by John Langan continues to help students master the essential grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and usage skills needed for clear, thoughtful writing. The sev...
Learn the basics of Photoshop - from the ground up; explore the ins and outs of the newest features of Photoshop 4; create eye-catching special effects with filters; learn how to effectively work in l...
This text in ABL's new Educational Leadership series from Peabody College, shows students how to develop effective and highly functioning groups that will enhance school effectiveness The text was dev...
Checkpoint Science Skills Builder Workbook 7 provides tailored and scaffolded exercises that offer targeted support to students to help reinforce key skills and understanding when studying science. Us...
Cambridge Primary Mathematics is a flexible and engaging course written specifically for Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Stages 1 to 6. The course offers a discussion-led approach with proble...
Cambridge Primary Mathematics is a flexible and engaging course written specifically for Cambridge Primary Mathematics Curriculum Stages 1 to 6. The course offers a discussion-led approach with proble...
This Checkpoint Mathematics Skills Builder Workbook 7 provides tailored exercises that offer targeted support to help students reinforce key skills and build confidence when performing mathematical op...
Ta seria składa się z trzech podręczników z testami, które zapewniają systematyczny rozwój sprawności słuchania i mówienia. Materiały te umożliwiają również rzetelne przygotowanie się do nowej formuły...
Ta seria składa się z trzech podręczników z testami, które zapewniają systematyczny rozwój sprawności słuchania i mówienia. Materiały te umożliwiają również rzetelne przygotowanie się do nowej formuły...
This is a part of a three-level series which develops reading and writing skills for young learners. Each book includes topics of specific interest to young learners and provides training in tradition...
Students are better writers when they master discrete writing skills. Skills for Effective Writing teaches these skills, such as identifying topic sentences and recognizing irrelevant information, and...
Students are better writers when they master discrete writing skills. Skills for Effective Writing teaches these skills, such as avoiding run-ons and using transition words, and offers extensive pract...
Thinking to stay ahead of change In a complex business climate, people need to make informed decisions and learn how to think flexibly. A leader's most important asset is the ability to sense changes ...
FCE Use of English 1 -2 Revised Edition to podręcznik obejmujący pełny zakres gramatyki wymagany na egzaminie FCE, którego nowa formuła obowiązywać będzie od grudnia 2008 r., wraz z jasnymi przykładam...
These activity books are designed to support Cambridge University Press? Primary Science series. They contain write-in exercises with completed examples where appropriate and teacher/parental guidance...
Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education? with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unlo...
The English File Third Edition Multipack B combines Files 7–12 of the Student's Book and Files 7–12 of the Workbook with Key in one book – ideal for shorter English courses. With iTutor and iChecker i...
Pakiet Multipack A zawiera pierwszą z dwóch części materiału z klasycznego podręcznika i ćwiczeń. Dodatkowo wyposażony jest w płyty iChecker (zadania i testy sprawdzające kompetencje językowe) i iTuto...
Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education? with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unlo...
Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education™ with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unlo...
Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unloc...
Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education? with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unlo...
Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unloc...
A four-level skills series for adults and young adults Learners can develop the skills they need to use English confidently wherever they are - at home, at work, travelling, studying or just in social...
Work at the biology bench requires an ever-increasing knowledge of mathematical methods and formulae. In "Lab Math", Dany Spencer Adams has compiled the most common mathematical concepts and methods i...