The Toa Metru must overcome danger on their journey that they could never anticipate. What unforeseen savages will they meet on their path to the fallen City of Legends as the try to rescue the Matora...
Everyone's favorite robot heroes return to protect Metru Nui from the spider-like Visorak. Evil Visorak poison threatens to decimate the Toa Hordika. Mutations abound! Mutiny springs up! If the Visora...
This landmark work is the first of its kind to disseminate research that spans small businesses and entrepreneurship. Edited by two world-class experts on small businesses and entrepreneurship, this m...
A uniquely comprehensive and accessible guide to the key facts, ideas, theories and thinking about enterprise and entrepreneurship, this text considers their relationship to small businesses and discu...
The history-making, ground-breaking speeches of Greta Thunberg, the young activist who has become the voice of a generation 'Everything needs to change. And it has to start today' In August 2018 a ...
Batman can slink stealthily through the shadows to catch those bad guys in the act. Join him on his crime-fighting crusade as he saves the city from the most crooked of crooks. Best of all, you can do...
Small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and the role of e-commerce in these organizations continue to change, grow and evolve. Researchers and governments have given rise to the number of strategies, to ad...
Build your own recording studio at a cost lower than you ever thought possible! This book includes 12 tested and proven designs. Here's the perfect reference for anyone planning to build or remodel a ...
A worthy addition to the "Haynes Great Cars" series, this book chronicles the history of the legendary Mini, from humble beginnings as the brainchild of Alec Issigonis, through 41 years of production,...
Everyone becomes a philosopher with a drink in hand, but Whiskey & Philosophy takes this natural pairing to a new level. It explores a range of philosophical topics related to whiskey through engaging...
Amelia wants a dog, needs a dog, and believes she simply cannot livewithout a small brown dog with a wet pink nose. But rather than begging orpleading, Amelia decides on a more creative tactic to conv...
This book is the first in a series bringing together the work of the celebrated children's author. Selected by Westall, from his personal favourites, this volume contains 12 tales of a dark world, a w...
Anthropologist Paul Ellery discovers that the small Texas town of Jefferson Springs is actually an imitation of small-town America created by the aliens who now offer him a chance to explore the unive...
Shortly after completing a 4,500 mile coastal walk, Spuds life changed dramatically. Single motherhood was followed by a diagnosis of cancer. A year later, in an effort to put this phase of her life i...
The Small Business Handbook: The Entrepreneur's Definitive Guide to Starting and Growing a Business