
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stresem ender", znaleziono 4

Development Under Stress
Development Under Stress
S. Kelegama

This book examines various impediments faced in the development process and implementation of reforms in Sri Lanka, particularly after economic liberalization in 1977. The author maintains that it is ...

International Financial Governance under Stress
International Financial Governance under Stress
G. Underhill

Persistent episodes of global financial crises have placed the existing system of international monetary and financial governance under stress. The resulting economic turmoil provides a focal point fo...

Stress Testing for Risk Control Under Basel II
Stress Testing for Risk Control Under Basel II
D. Chorafas

The Consultative paper issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel II) cites the failure of bankers to adequately stress test exposures as a major reason for bad loans. Sample quotes f...

Plan B 2.0 Rescuing a Planet Under Stress & a Civilization
Plan B 2.0 Rescuing a Planet Under Stress & a Civilization
L. Brown

The world faces numerous environmental trends of disruption and decline such as rising temperatures, falling water tables and rising sea levels. In addition, the world faces the peaking of oil, the ad...

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