
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "studenta endem", znaleziono 17

Mariusz Dąbrowski and his students
Mariusz Dąbrowski and his students

Profesor Mariusz Dąbrowski otworzył nowy rozdział w nauczaniu fotografii na Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie. Ksawery Piwocki W kontekście powrotu zainteresowania pięknem w sztuce można rozpatr...

English for medical students and doctors 1
English for medical students and doctors 1
Ewa Donesch-Jeżo

Jest to kolejna niezbędna książka w nowoczesnej nauce specjalistycznej terminologii medycznej. Układ książki przemyślany w każdym szczególe.

Early medieval swords from Central and Eastern Europe : dilemmas of an archeologist and a student of arms
Early medieval swords from Central and Eastern Europe : dilemmas of an archeologist and a student of arms
Lech Marek

Early medieval swords, among other contemporary artifacts, appear to be one of the most informative sources which may tell us about the ancient metallurgical craft, warfare, and cultural influences in...

Adventure for the reader : teaching texts to students of English language and literature
Adventure for the reader : teaching texts to students of English language and literature
Hanna Mrozowska

Książka jest przeznaczona dla wykładowców literatury angielskiej nauczycielskich kolegiów języka angielskiego, filologii angielskiej oraz nauczycieli zaawansowanych klas liceów ogólnokształcących. Roz...

Studies in language and linguistics : selected readings for students of English philology
Studies in language and linguistics : selected readings for students of English philology

Studies in Language and Linguistics Selected Readings for Students of English Philology

MyFinanceLab and OTIS Student Access Kit 10e
MyFinanceLab and OTIS Student Access Kit 10e

This textbook is also sold in the various packages listed below. Before purchasing one of these packages, speak with your professor about which one will help you be successful in your course.

Teaching Students with Gifts and Talents
Teaching Students with Gifts and Talents
J. Ysseldyke

Students who are gifted and//or talented are known more for their contributions and potential contributions than any other group of students. Meeting the educational needs of these students, however, ...

Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics: With STUDENT CONSULT Online
Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics: With STUDENT CONSULT Online
Andrew K. Renwick, Derek G. Waller, Keith Hillier

This book covers the whole gamut of pharmacology from basic science pharmacology and pathophysiology, through clinical pharmacology to therapeutics. This integrative approach is in line with the new ...

Study Skills for Science Engineering and Technology Student
Study Skills for Science Engineering and Technology Student
P. Maier

An accessible, student-friendly handbook that covers all of the essential study skills that will ensure that Science, Engineering or Technology students get the most out of their course. Study Skills ...

Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English
Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English

The Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English provides a thorough examination of the structures of English as it is used today. It shows not only which structures are used but how the choi...

Skills Development for Business and Management Students
K. Gallagher

Skills Development for Business and Management Students has been written to address the needs of both lecturers and students involved in the study of skills development using a reflective approach. Ma...

Teaching Students with Medical Physical and Multiple Disabil
Teaching Students with Medical Physical and Multiple Disabil
B. Algozzine

Support the academic performance and independence of students with medical and physical disabilities! If not properly addressed, a medical or physical disability that results in limited strength, mobi...

English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students. With Answers
English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students. With Answers
Raymond Murphy

Second edition. This book for intermediate and more advanced students combines reference grammar and practice excercises in a single volume.

Cambridge English Exam Booster for Key and Key for Schools Comprehensive Exam Practice for Students
Cambridge English Exam Booster for Key and Key for Schools Comprehensive Exam Practice for Students
Caroline Chapman, White Susan

Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice with the Exam Booster for Key and Key for Schools. ...

Cambridge English Exam Booster for First and First for Schools with Audio Comprehensive Exam Practice for Students
Cambridge English Exam Booster for First and First for Schools with Audio Comprehensive Exam Practice for Students
Chilton Helen, Dignen Sheila, Fountain Mark, Frances Treloar

Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice with the First Exam Booster for First and First for...

Cambridge English Exam Booster for Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools with Audio Comprehensive Exam Practice for Students
Cambridge English Exam Booster for Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools with Audio Comprehensive Exam Practice for Students
Chilton Helen, Dignen Sheila

Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice with the Exam Booster for Preliminary and Prelimina...

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