Wspomnienia Wilhelma Gehlena, urodzonego w Niemczech w roku objęcia władzy przez Hitlera i NSDAP, zawierają przejmujący obraz coraz bardziej zmilitaryzowanego życia Trzeciej Rzeszy. Jego ojciec służył...
Bohaterkami i bohaterami tej książki są delfin Peter, szympans Dawid Siwobrody, wilczyca Gundrun, łosza Matylda, żubr Wiking i Pan Gawron. Na drodze każdego i każdej z nich pewnego dnia stanęło ludzk...
This is a textbook and practical clinical handbook for all students and practitioners concerned with evaluation, diagnosis, assessment and management of neck pain and cervical headache particularly in...
Bringing together the work of over eighty leading academics and researchers worldwide to produce the definitive reference and research tool for the social sciences, The SAGE Dictionary of Social Resea...
Sam and Bud were ordinary first-time homebuyers in their early thirties. Their intention, in moving to France, was to create a simple life in a place where they could spend time with their children. T...
Seventy per cent of British families now choose cremation for their funerals, a rapid change in traditional death customs. This is the first book to investigate why cremation replaced burial. It exami...