Le present volume porte sur les ecritures du surnaturel dans les letters belges francophones. Il n'a pourtant pas de pretention d'exhaustive et n'aspire aucunement a recenser la totalite de aeurves qu...
Poradnik dla wynajmujących i podwynajmujących mieszkania na cele mieszkalne lub niemieszkalne oraz inne lokale użytkowe. Dokumentacja podatkowa najmu (podnajmu) i zasady jej przechowywania. Wzory niek...
Prezentowany tom składa się z 14 artykułów stanowiących rezultat badań pracowników Instytutu Psychologii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego z ostatnich dwóch lat. Książka składa się z trzech części. Pierwsza czę...
W zielonej książeczce "Osiągaj zamierzone cele" Jeffrey Gitomer uczy jak mówić, pisać, przedstawiać siebie, przekonywać, wywierać wpływ na innych i zjednywać sobie ludzi.Wszyscy, którzy przeczytają t...
Poradnik dla firm i jednostek używających samochody do celów działalności gospodarczej. Samochód jako środek trwały. Samochód prywatny w użytkowaniu. Formy prawne użytkowania pojazdu: własność, najem,...
Laser Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications providesstudents and other novices. It assumes little in the way of prior knowledge, and carefully guides the reader through the important theory and con...
Nel 1981 Pedro Almodóvar ha da poco lanciato il suo primo lungometraggio "Pepi luci bom e le altre ragazze del mucchio" che lo delinea già come una delle voci più originali della cinematografia europ...
«Ahimè, mio Dio, perché non mi hai fatto nascere maschio. Tutte le mie capacità sarebbero state al tuo servizio, non mi sbaglierei in nulla e sarei perfetta in tutto, come gli uomini dicono di essere...
L’industriale Philipp Hassler, rimasto improvvisamente vedovo, cerca di dimenticare il proprio dolore volgendosi a una vita sfrenata e dissoluta, ma ne prova ben presto nausea. Uomo dinamico e voliti...
Ur-Nammu was king of Ur in ancient Mesopotamia (southern Iraq) around 2000 BC. In 1925 a joint expedition from the University of Pennsylvania Museum and The British Museum discovered dozens of fragmen...
Belle is determined to make the Beast's birthday extra special and plans an amazing celebration picnic. Luckily, when things go wrong, Belle knows she can rely on her good friends to save the day!
The tales tell of three sisters, daughters of the high king. The eldest, a valiant warrior-woman, heir to the kingdom. The youngest, the sweet beauty with her Prince Charming. No one says much about t...
Sapere se davvero un coccodrillo dagli occhi gialli ha divorato oppure no suo marito Antonie, scomparso in Kenya, per Josephine non è più importante. Grazie ai soldi guadagnati con le vendite del suo ...
Turn of the century Paris is often referred to as the belle poque, a golden age of affluence and artistic creativity before the turmoil of the First World War. This was the Paris of artists such as Bo...
Did you know... Helen Keller was the author of 13 books, travelled all over the world and met 12 US presidents? Learn all about Helen's amazing work with fellow deaf and blind people and how her indom...
Introgression is the incorporation of a gene from one organism complex into another as a result of hybridization. A major concern of the use of genetically modified plants is the unintentional spread ...