
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "z ann maier", znaleziono 86

Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde
Priest Dorothy

The Richmond Readers series offers a selection of high quality original and simplified stories in a variety of formats and generes. The books are graded in seven levels from young starter to advanced....

Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
Jenny Dooley

Publikacja z serii „Felberg First English Readers” dla dzieci przedszkolnych i wczesnoszkolnych (do IV klasy SP) uczących się języka angielskiego. Książeczka stanowi adaptację popularnej bajki. Opowia...

Beauty and the Beast
3 wydania
Beauty and the Beast
Adam Wolański, Ewa Wolańska

Publikacja z serii Felberg First English Readers dla dzieci przedszkolnych i wczesnoszkolnych (do IV klasy SP) uczących się języka angielskiego. Książeczka stanowi adaptację popularnej bajki. Opowiada...

Minds brains and machines
Minds brains and machines
Jerzy Bobryk

It seems that electronic technology is now changing social relations, and in the near future will alter the psychological abilities of individuals. Because of the symbolic form in which information is...

Cell and Tissue Reaction Engineering
2 wydania
Cell and Tissue Reaction Engineering
R. Eibl

Today mammalian cell products, primarily monoclonals, cytokines, recombinant glycoproteins and increasingly vaccines dominate the biopharmaceutical industry. Moreover, a small number of products consi...

Plant Cell and Tissue Culture
Plant Cell and Tissue Culture
K. Neumann

This book provides a general introduction as well as a selected survey of key advances in the fascinating field of plant cell and tissue culture as a tool in biotechnology. After a detailed descriptio...

Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research
Bioengineering in Cell and Tissue Research
G. Artmann

This book reviews the latest technological developments of bioengineering approaches in cell and tissue research. It is meant to have life and spirit, and to become a pioneer in technology and science...

Matrix Metalloproteinases in Tissue Remodelling and Inflamma
Matrix Metalloproteinases in Tissue Remodelling and Inflamma
Vincent Lagente

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes believed to be involved in many physiological and pathological processes associated with inflammatory reactions. MMP synthesis and functions ar...

Ghostly Muscles Wrinkled Brains Heresies and Hobbits
Ghostly Muscles Wrinkled Brains Heresies and Hobbits
C. Oxnard

The Leverhulme Trust (UK) required Charles Oxnard to present a series of public lectures during his tenure of a Leverhulme Professorship at University College, London. The lectures had to be understan...

Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
U. Meyer

Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine provides a complete overview of the state of the art in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Tissue engineering has grown tremendo...

Va banque : a crime comedy based on an original script by Juliusz Machulski ; adapt. and exercises Jerzy Siemasz.
Va banque : a crime comedy based on an original script by Juliusz Machulski ; adapt. and exercises Jerzy Siemasz.
Juliusz Machulski

Publikacja z serii Felberg English Readers dla uczących się języka angielskiego na poziomie średnim niższym. Akcja opowieści osadzona jest w polskich realiach lat 30. XX wieku. Oto doświadczony kasiar...

New Electricity and New Cars
New Electricity and New Cars
Leszek Jesień, Michał Kurtyka

"This book offers a unique contribution to the current EU energy debate. Written from the perspective of a rapidly growing economy heavily dependent on coal, the book introduces us to the complex and ...

O zespołach. 10 IDEI HBR
O zespołach. 10 IDEI HBR
Jon R. Katzenbach, Diane Coutu, Douglas K. Smith, Lynda Gratton ...
Seria: Kolekcja 10 IDEI, seria 2

Budujesz nowy zespół i nie wiesz od czego zacząć? W Twoim zespole brakuje zaangażowania i nowych pomysłów? Konflikty i wewnętrzne spory blokują współpracę? Lista problemów, z którymi może zetknąć się ...

Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Noise Generation
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Noise Generation
W. Schroder

Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is a high-fidelity approach to the numerical simulation of turbulent flows. Recent developments have shown LES to be able to predict aerodynamic noise generation and propag...

Edward Quinn

A reprieve from post-war austerity, the 1950s epitomized a time of glamour with its film icons and automobiles, which are admired and emulated to this day. Nothing said, "You've made it," quite like g...

Orbis aethiopicus. Beitraege zu geschichte, Religion und Kunst Aethiopiens Band X. Ethioppian Art-a Unique Cultural Heritage and Modern Challenge
Orbis aethiopicus. Beitraege zu geschichte, Religion und Kunst Aethiopiens Band X. Ethioppian Art-a Unique Cultural Heritage and Modern Challenge
Asfa Wossen Asserate

Książka opisująca (z przykładami) m.in. sztukę, religię i dzieje Etiopii.

Beauty and the Biker
Beauty and the Biker
Alexa Riley
Cykl: Ghost Riders MC, tom 2

I had four weeks before I shipped out again so it was sun, fun, and partying hard. She wasn't a part of the plan. We had one perfect month together before I had to go wheels up. Neither of us expe...

Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
Vivienne Savage

Princess Anastasia Rose dreams of attending school, but her plans are put on hold when war begins between her father and the beastly lord of a nearby castle in the mountains. Prince Alistair isn't an...

Of Beast and Beauty
Of Beast and Beauty
Chanda Hahn

Something evil this way comes. 7 Vengeful Sisters 7 Fairytale Kingdoms 7 Daughters of Eville Everyone dreams of marrying a prince--except for me. I am nothing more than a pawn in my adoptive mother's...

Buddhism, Virtue and Environment
Buddhism, Virtue and Environment
D. Cooper

Buddhism, one increasingly hears, is an 'eco-friendly' religion. It is often said that this is because it promotes an 'ecological' view of things, one stressing the essential unity of human beings and...

Whole Grains and Health
Whole Grains and Health
M. Reicks

Within the nutrition community, whole grains have long been embraced as healthful foods. Whole Grains and Health presents a science-based discussion on whole grains and their expanding role in health ...

Beauty and the Billionaire
Beauty and the Billionaire
Jessica Clare
Cykl: Billionaire Boys Club, tom 2

Real-estate tycoon Hunter Buchanan has a dark past that’s left him scarred and living as a recluse on his family’s palatial estate. Hunter is ready to give up on love—until he spots an enigmatic red-h...

Beauty and the Mustache
2 wydania
Beauty and the Mustache
Penny Reid
Cykl: Knitting in the City, tom 4

There are three things you need to know about Ashley Winston: 1) She has six brothers and they all have beards, 2) She is a reader, and 3) She knows how to knit. Former beauty queen, Ashley Winston’...

Monetary Theory and Bretton Woods
Monetary Theory and Bretton Woods
F. Cesarano

Over the twentieth century monetary theory played a crucial role in the evolution of the international monetary system. The severe shocks and monetary gyrations of the interwar years interacted with t...

Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology
Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology
Dr. Andrew L. Folpe, Carrie Y. Inwards

Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology: A Volume in the Diagnostic Pathology Series, by Andrew L. Folpe, MD and Carrie Y. Inwards, MD, packs today's most essential bone and soft tissue pathology know-how int...

Beauty and the Beast 2
Beauty and the Beast 2

A series of popular, tradicional tales written in a simple way for children who are learning to read.


Celebrates the decorative arts of Greene and Greene, and features essays exploring their furniture designs, metalwork and stained glass.

Beauty and the Black Sheep
Beauty and the Black Sheep
Jessica Bird
Cykl: The Moorehouse Legacy, tom 1

The force of those eyes hit Frankie Moorehouse like a gust of wind But she quickly reminded herself that she had dinner to get ready, the staff of White Caps B&B (such as it was) to motivate. She didn...

Thompson Emma

Nanny McPhee embarks on a brand new adventure in this brilliant, funny andcaptivating novel based on the new Nanny McPhee film. The Green family aretrying to survive the war in their house in the coun...

Ladybird Tales: Beauty and the Beast
2 wydania
Ladybird Tales: Beauty and the Beast

Ldybird has published fairy tales for over forty years, bringing the magic of traditional stories to each new generation of children. These are based on the original Ladybird retellings, with beautifu...

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