Setki szczegółów do śledzenia i wyszukiwania oraz mnóstwo historii do opowiedzenia! Nasze drogi pełne są pojazdów: samochodów, autobusów, ciężarówek, śmieciarek, tramwajów, karetek pogotowia, motorów,...
Hailey odkrywa przed użytkownikami czterech kółek świat wielkiego biznesu w Detroit. Zaskakująca fabuła wpleciona w skomplikowany mechanizm działania firmy samochodowej, od projektu do salonów sprzeda...
W książce znajdują się cztery ludowe baśnie rosyjskie: Piórko Finista Jasnego Cud-Sokoła, Maria Mariewna, Wasylisa Pięknolica, Królewna w żabę przemieniona. Każda z nich jest pięknie ilustrowana.
"This book offers a unique contribution to the current EU energy debate. Written from the perspective of a rapidly growing economy heavily dependent on coal, the book introduces us to the complex and ...
Auto-Moto PRL to niezwykła i bezkonkurencyjna publikacja o codziennych i niecodziennych polskich pojazdach okresu PRL. Dla osób pamiętających minioną epokę jest to sentymentalne wspomnienie dwóch, czt...
Auto-Moto PRL Samochody Motocykle Prototypy
To nie tylko album z niezwykle ciekawymi zdjęciami, często nigdy wcześniej nie publikowanymi. To przede wszystkim wyjątkowo bogata w treść opowieść o niełatwych dziejach polskiej powojennej myśli tech...
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is a high-fidelity approach to the numerical simulation of turbulent flows. Recent developments have shown LES to be able to predict aerodynamic noise generation and propag...
A reprieve from post-war austerity, the 1950s epitomized a time of glamour with its film icons and automobiles, which are admired and emulated to this day. Nothing said, "You've made it," quite like g...
Od samego początku w latach 80. jako młodzi, fascynujący, nieokrzesani, głośni i nikomu nieznani, aż do ostatniego, sprzedającego się w milionach kopii albumu St.Anger (zawierającego utwór tytułowy, ...
Publikacja z serii Felberg English Readers dla uczących się języka angielskiego na poziomie średnim niższym. Akcja opowieści osadzona jest w polskich realiach lat 30. XX wieku. Oto doświadczony kasiar...
An ideal introduction to the language and culture of Greece, Greek Language and People is an integrated multi-media course for beginners. As well as teaching the skills necessary to communicate in and...
Książka opisuje archaiczną i klasyczną sztukę grecką. Na kartach książki obejrzymy wspaniałe rzeźby i budowle.
Compact and easy to use, this handy guide includes travel and language tips plus a two-way mini-dictionary, so you
Epigraphy is a method of inferring and analyzing historical data by means of inscriptions found on ancient artifacts such as stones, coins, and statues. It has proven indispensable for archaeologists ...
W. S. Barrett (1914-2001) was one of the finest Hellenists of the second half of the twentieth century, known above all for his celebrated edition of Euripides' Hippolytus. This volume of his collecte...
A delightful distinguished classic, the winner of the 1978 Nobel prize forLiterature, retells seven stories from middle European Folklore.
Scarred and Kilt Matty has a new neighbor, and she strongly suspects the kilt-wearing hottie is a vampire— he only goes out at night, has weird visitors and the blood bank is making regular deliverie...
In this collection he investigates the hanging of a student actor during the Festival, an arson attack on a bird watcher and the witnessing of an apparent miracle...
Monografia zawiera przejrzane teksty trzech wykładów wygłoszonych w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat akademickich. Pierwszy wykład jest poświęcony Herodotowi, myślicielowi i podróżnikowi żyjącemu w pierwsze...
John Keats died aged just twenty-five. He left behind some of the mostexquisite and moving verse and love letters ever written, inspired by hisgreat love for Fanny Brawne. Although they knew each othe...
Children will love to follow the baby dino through his bedtime routine. Includes a moon-shaped night-light visible on every page, and a push-button star that plays Brahms' Lullaby and Good Night. ...
Cardiac aging, like aging in general, is a complex process. Numerous cellular and molecular changes contribute to the expression of the multiple phenotypes of aging, "the different faces" of cardiac a...
Offers guidance to perform various techniques in foot and ankle surgery. This volume features large full-color intraoperative photos and diagrammable illustrations that demonstrate procedures. It is s...
"Nicholas and the Gang" contains 16 new stories about Nicholas, the French schoolboy, and his friends, many of whom are familiar from the other books in the series: there's Alec, who's always eating; ...
Beyond Good and Evil confirmed Nietzsche‘s position as the towering European philosopher of his age. The work dramatically rejects the tradition of Western thought with its notions of truth and God, g...
Jeff, Evan, and Dan have been living happily together for the last two years. They still have problems, especially between Evan and Dan, but they’re mostly able to convert the interpersonal disagreeme...
On their way to the beach for a picnic the Pig family encounters almost every kind of transportation vehicle imaginable--and imaginary.
Written within a biopsychosocial framework, Cavanaugh and Blanchard-Fields' best-selling text covers the specific ages-stages of adult development and aging. In its unparalleled coverage of current re...
Fashion jewellery is created with the catwalk and couture in mind,characterized by its creativity and originality. It is arguably the mostexciting field in fashion today. Arranged by designer, this is...