
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "zones", znaleziono 4

Pokochaj siebie
6 wydań
Pokochaj siebie
Wayne W. Dyer

Książka "Pokochaj siebie" należy już do klasyki psychologii humanistycznej, kierunku kładącego nacisk na pełny rozwój i samourzeczywistnienie jednostki, na wyzwolenie z nabytych lub wyimaginowanych o...

Gray Zones
Gray Zones
Jonathan Petropoulos

Few essays about the Holocaust are better known or more important than Primo Levi's reflections on what he called "the gray zone," a reality in which moral ambiguity and compromise were pronounced. In...

Women in Zones of Conflict
Women in Zones of Conflict
Tami Amanda Jacoby

Tami Amanda Jacoby investigates the constraints and opportunities for women's civic engagements in zones of conflict through a case study of three women's political movements in Israel: Women in Green...

Environment & Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones
Environment & Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones
T. Hoanh

This book focuses on the challenges people face in managing agricultural crops, aquaculture, fisheries and related ecosystems in inland areas of coastal zones in the tropics of Asia, Africa, Australia...

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