Achauer & Sood's Burn Surgery Reconstruction & Rehabilitatio

R. Sood
Achauer & Sood's Burn Surgery Reconstruction & Rehabilitatio
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This brand-new reference presents the perspectives of a multi-author team examining the entire spectrum of burn reconstruction. Individual chapters cover basic aspects of wound healing * acute care of the burn wound (particularly as it relates to optimizing reconstructive results) * optimizing nutrition (for optimal reconstructive results) * basic concepts of plastic surgery relating to tissue rearrangement * and the use of flaps, as well as the newer use of skin substitutes. The second section of the book provides detailed guidance on anatomic areas of reconstruction, with care being taken to identify individual authors with known expertise in their particular area of burn reconstruction.Incorporates the use of current technology (skin substitutes). Presents the perspective of today's leaders in the field. Features an artwork program designed by a medical illustrator with extensive experience. Offers abundant patient examples and results. Discusses acute burn management as it relates to the reconstructive process.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-4160-3777-4, 9781416037774
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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