Acute Care Oncology Nursing

C. Chernecky
Acute Care Oncology Nursing
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As the likely first responder in an emergency, you need quick access to essential information on the potential complications of many different cancer types and treatments. The new edition of this trusted resource provides up-to-date information on the pathophysiology, complications, risks, treatment approaches, prognosis, assessment findings, and nursing and medical interventions for a wide range of cancers. It also offers valuable information to help you fulfill your role as care coordinator and patient advocate, including client education guidelines, discharge procedures, and strategies for helping the client and family deal with the impact of the disease's progression.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4160-3734-7, 9781416037347
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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