Atlas of Anatomy

Anne M. Gilroy, Lawrence M. Ross, Brian R. MacPherson
Atlas of Anatomy
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Featuring 2,200 exquisitely-detailed illustrations, the state-of-the-art Atlas of Anatomy provides students with an easy-to-use guide for learning and reviewing anatomy with clinical context. The atlas is designed to be accessible and intuitive to help students rapidly locate and review topics of interest. Separate units cover each body region. (back, thorax, abdomen & pelvis, upper limb, lower limb, and head & neck & neuroanatomy). Each unit systematically covers the material and builds on the previous layer - first bones, then muscles, then organs, then vessels and nerves are presented, until eventually the entire topography is viewed in detail, including sectional anatomy. In addition to the classical anatomic views, the atlas provides individual ´facts´ chapters that cover isolated structures, such as muscles and nerve plexus - an invaluable aid for studying the concepts students are usually required to memorize. Units get rounded off by surface anatomy that is combined with questions in which the learned material is reviewed - simulating the future profession as doctors who examine a patient. The atlas incorporates clinical content throughout and features numerous radiographs and endoscopic images. Two-page units provide an immediately understandable presentation of anatomy and clinical information. With its efficient approach and stunning, twenty-first century illustrations, Atlas of Anatomy meets the needs of students for an invaluable reference for anatomy.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-60406-062-1, 9781604060621
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: THIEME VERLAG
Kategoria: Anatomia
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Atlas of Anatomy
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