Communication Mosaics. An Introduction to the Field of Communication

Julia Wood
Communication Mosaics. An Introduction to the Field of Communication
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COMMUNICATION MOSAICS: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FIELD OF COMMUNICATION, International Edition, combines the author's signature first-person narrative style and popular student commentaries with thoroughly up-to-date research, theories, and technological information to provide both an overview of the field and a practical guide you can immediately use to improve your personal, professional, and public communication skills. By beginning with introductions to the basic processes and skills central to all communication contexts and then moving on to how we apply these aspects of communication in specific contexts such as interpersonal and public speaking, the text shows you the importance of developing your communication skills and gives you the hands-on tools you need to become a more effective communicator. Jump into the dynamic world of communication in the twenty-first century with COMMUNICATION MOSAICS: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FIELD OF COMMUNICATION, International Edition!
Data wydania: 2010-02-01
ISBN: 978-0-495-79837-8, 9780495798378
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cengage Learning
Stron: 456


Julia Wood Julia Wood joined the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill when she was 24. During her 37 years on the faculty, she taught classes and conducted research on personal relationships as well as gender, communication, and culture. ...

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