Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology

W. Vogt
Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology
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`Have you ever sat in a meeting//seminar//lecture given by extremely well qualified researchers, well versed in research methodology and wondered "what kind of language are these people using"? Well, W Paul Vogt has the solution to your problem with the publication of the revised and expanded edition of his statistics and methodology dictionary' - Social Research Association News The Third Edition of Paul Vogt's bestselling Dictionary of Statistics and Methodology continues where the Second Edition left off with updated terms and additions. The book aims to provide anyone interested in learning statistics with the sourcebook of simple definitions and explanations of statistical and statistics-related concepts. In addition, the book provides brief biographies of more than 100 statisticians. The majority of terms offer additional references to use if more information is needed on a particular topic. Additionally, many terms are accompanied by graphical material to aid understanding.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-7619-8855-7, 9780761988557
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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