Ecological Assessment of Selenium in the Aquatic Environment

Peter M. Chapman
Ecological Assessment of Selenium in the Aquatic Environment
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Filled with practical guidance and concise information on how to conduct selenium risk assessments in the aquatic environment, the book contains the latest information on assessment techniques, elucidates the current state of contamination in industrialized countries, and raises awareness for developing nations. Written by leading experts, it describes best practices for designing experiments to collect information on aquatic effects and trophic transfer of selenium for risk assessments, presents numerous case studies both domestic and international, and gives insight as to how current and future ecosystems may or may not be affected. * Covers advances in the state of the science and provides a concise source of information on Se * Contains the latest information available on assessment techniques for Se * Offers guidance for designing experiments to collect information on aquatic effects and trophic transfer of Se for risk assessments * Presents international case studies, providing insight into how current and future ecosystems may, or may not, be affected
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4398-2677-5, 9781439826775
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.


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