Great Answers to Tough Questions at Work

Dodd Michael
Great Answers to Tough Questions at Work
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SHORTLISTED FOR THE CMI MANAGEMENT BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARDThe essential guide to turning tough questions into positive opportunities Difficult questions can be thrown at you from your first job interview through to challenges you get when you ve made it to the top. If you find yourself on the firing line on a regular or occasional basis this is the perfect go-to guide to help you turn tough questions into positive opportunities. Great Answers to Tough Questions at Work promotes a confident 'win-win-win' mindset for questioner, answerer and wider audiences beyond. Author Michael Dodd provides golden formulae and proven strategies for constructing inspirational answers however challenging, vicious, tricky or stupid the question. He outlines simple but successful techniques for dealing with the kind of nightmare questions which all ambitious people in the workplace have to face along their journey, whatever stage of their career. Contains critical communication skills for executives, managers, leaders and those aspiring to fill these rolesCovers a wide range of work place scenarios such as job interviews, performance reviews, negotiations, customer relations, parliamentary inquiries and cross-examinationDiscusses how to see the issues underlying tough questions that you face in a different, more positive, solution-oriented wayIncludes case study examinations of key moments where people in the public spotlight have done something particularly well or particularly badly while answering questions and draws out the lessons for readers.
ISBN: 978-0-85708-639-6, 9780857086396
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Capstone Publishing

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