IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence

D. Volitich
IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence
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This is the only official guide to this market-leading suite of powerful tools. "Cognos 8 Business Intelligence" delivers a complete range of capabilities - reporting, analysis, scorecarding, dashboards, business event management, and data integration, on a single, proven architecture. This official guide offers developers and architects, consultants, IT managers, and end-users full coverage of all the product's versatile features. "Cognos 8 Business Intelligence: The Official Guide" provides step-by-step instructions on developing, maintaining, and deploying a complete enterprise solution. Written by a Cognos expert who has been delivering solutions to "Fortune" 500 organizations for years, the book features real-world insight into the successful implementation of performance management solutions along with practical tips and techniques.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-07-149852-4, 9780071498524
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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