Tożsamość jest płynna jak psyche. I stąd chęć uchwycenia swoich metamorfoz? Może. Lecz nie rozmyślałam o tym mając siedem lat ani wtedy, gdy zaczęłam siebie fotografować - działałam impulsywnie. i tak działam do dziś. Sztuka to impuls i nawyk, zajęcie dla naiwnych i upartych. Uprawiam wiele gatunków sztuki, ale w każdym pomaga mi fotografia - najprecyzyjniejsza. Na 63. urodziny sfotografowałam swoją ulubioną tożsamość: Kangóra.
Identity is as fluid as the psyche. Is this why I want to capture my fleeting appearances? Perhaps. But I was not aware of this when I cut out my silhouette at the age of seven and began to photograph myself as thirteen. I acted on impulse and I still do. Making art seems to be a naive pursuit which stems from a persistent impulse and becomes a habit. I work in many media, but my activities in each of them are assisted by photography, the most precise of all media. For my 63rd birthday I photographed my favorite alter ego: the Kangaroo.
Identity is as fluid as the psyche. Is this why I want to capture my fleeting appearances? Perhaps. But I was not aware of this when I cut out my silhouette at the age of seven and began to photograph myself as thirteen. I acted on impulse and I still do. Making art seems to be a naive pursuit which stems from a persistent impulse and becomes a habit. I work in many media, but my activities in each of them are assisted by photography, the most precise of all media. For my 63rd birthday I photographed my favorite alter ego: the Kangaroo.