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This book addresses what is needed in future applications in order to avoid latchup in advanced technologies. A significant amount of new latchup issues and materials from the last twenty years are presented, such as the development of external and transient latchup concepts, and new tools such as the PICA tool. Voldman begins the book by introducing the reader to the basics of latchup, starting with a brief history. He then goes on to provide a comprehensive coverage of latch up, from the basic concepts and terminology, through to key ideas of latchup such as internal and external latchup, latchup sources, scaling, and instability. The following chapters take the reader to a higher theoretical understanding of latch up by introducing the resistance space, alpha space, and beta space concepts. The latest experimental published results are presented, as are the modern design tools for latchup verification. The final part of the book addresses what will be needed in future applications in order to avoid latchup in advanced technologies.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-470-01642-8, 9780470016428
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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