A look at where novel polymer chemistry is heading Covering patent literature and process improvements in twenty-four polymer subject areas, Patent Applications: A Tool for Identifying Advances in Polymer Chemistry R &D provides researchers with current polymer research not yet published in journals or patents. The review and analysis by the author offers a more thorough understanding and concise package of the patent application. In addition extensive structure depictions of intermediates, products, and derivatives allow the researcher to better visualize material applications both in and beyond polymer chemistry. The coverage includes the following polymeric categories:AdditivesAdhesivesCosmeticsCrystalline MaterialsDyesElectrically Active PolymersEnergetic PolymersEngineered PlasticsFibersFuel CellsImproved Synthetic MethodsInitiators/ModifiersLight Emitting PolymersMedical PolymersNitric Oxide Releasing AgentsOpticalPharmaceuticalsPhotoresistsPhototherapyRecording MaterialsStentsSuturesTissue ReplacementViscoelastic Polymers