Profitability and Systematic Trading

Michael Harris
Profitability and Systematic Trading
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In order to overcome certain obstacles and make more informed decisions in todays worked on during twenty years of research and development in this field. Using specific examples, Harris outlines the various aspects of trading system development and shows you how the proper approach to this discipline can minimize the risk of ruin while maximizing your trading returns. Along the way, Harris also introduces you to his concept of Trading System Synthesis, a dynamic method of discovering profitable strategies that can be used as building blocks in a systematic trading methodology. Traders who are determined to be successful need to apply a more rigorous and in-depth approach to systematic trading. The information found in Profitability and Systematic Trading can help you excel at this endeavor, and put you in a better position to survive and thrive in today's dynamic investment environment.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-470-22908-8, 9780470229088
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons


Michael Harris Michael Harris
Urodzony w 1980 roku
Jest autorem książki "The End of Absence", która otrzymała nagrodę Governor General’s Literary Award w dziedzinie non-fiction i była nominowana do RBC Taylor Prize, Chautauqua Prize oraz British Columbia National Award. Pisze artykuły na temat medió...

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