“Ale na świecie nie było światła. Wszystko było ciemno jak zawsze.”
“Drobny mat uszczelniacz nie żywił żadnej urazy do naiwnego młodego oficera - Irving po prostu źle wybrał czas i miejsce, kiedy ponad miesiąc temu niespodziewanie pojawił się w ładowni.”
“Leży tutaj szeregowiec (...), który niegdyś został pozbawiony przez potwora z lodu fragmentu czaszki i mózgu (Doktor Peddie uzupełnił brakujący fragment kości złotą płytką, mózgu niestety nie dało się niczym zastąpić).”
“Outside, though perhaps morning, it is still night, but a night of a thousand thrusting colors laid over the shaking stars. The shattering ice still sounds like a drumbeat.”
“In the last few months, perhaps because he has had no one to speak to -- or at least no interlocutor who can respond with actual out-loud speech -- he has learned how to let different parts of his mind and heart speak within him as if they were different souls with their own arguments.”
“Francis Crozier now understood that the most desirable and erotic thing a woman could wear were the many modest layers such as Sophia Cracroft wore to dinner in the governor's house, enough silken fabric to conceal the lines of her body, allowing a man to concentrate on the exciting loveliness of her wit.”
“In his twenties, John Bridgens most identified with Hamlet. The strangely aging Prince of Denmark—Bridgens was quite sure that the boy Hamlet had magically aged over a few theatrical weeks to a man who was, at the very least, in his thirties by Act V—had been suspended between thought and deed, between motive and action, frozen by a consciousness so astute and unrelenting that it made him think about everything, even thought itself.”
“I remember that day in early May after Le Vesconte's and Private Pilkington's brief joint burial service, one of the men suggested that we name the small spur of land where they were buried "Le Vesconte Point," but Captain Crozier vetoed that idea, saying that if we named every place where one of us might end up buried after the dead person there, we'd run out of land before we ran out of names.”