'Sell the Hall unseen; burn it to the ground and plough the earth withsalt, if you will; but never live there.' London, the 1880s. A young girl grows up in a household marked by death,her father distant, her mother in perpetual mourning for the child shelost. Desperate to coax her mother back to health, Constance Langton takesher to a s‚ance. Perhaps they will find comfort from beyond thegrave. But that s‚ance has tragic consequences. Constance is leftalone, her only legacy a mysterious bequest will blight her life. So begins The S‚ance, John Harwood's brilliant second novel, agripping, dark mystery set in late Victorian England. It is a world ofapparitions, of disappearances and unnatural phenomena, of betrayal andblackmail and black-hearted villains - and murder. For Constance's bequestcomes in two parts: a house, and a mystery. Years before a familydisappeared at Wraxford Hall, a terrifying stately home near the Suffolkcoast. Now Constance must find the truth behind the mystery, even at thecost of her life. Because without the truth, she is lost.