Travel Industry Economics

H. Vogel
Travel Industry Economics
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People around the world spend at least 1 trillion dollars on travel each year. Travel and tourism form the world's largest industrial sector and employ over 300 million people, nearly one-tenth of the global workforce. In this path-breaking book Vogel examines the business economics of each of the segments of the travel industry: by airlines, cruises, railroads, buses, automobiles, hotels, casinos, amusement and theme parks, and tourism. The result is a concise, up-to-date reference guide for financial analysts, economists, industry executives, and teachers and students interested in the economics, finance and marketing of travel-related goods and services. Its approach closely parallels the highly successful perspective taken in Vogel's Entertainment Industry Economics (fourth edition, 1998, fifth edition forthcoming). A glossary, 'time-line' diagrams and technical appendices enhance the book's appeal as a reference tool. Its fully integrated assessment of the business of travel makes the work unique in the marketplace.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-521-02694-9, 9780521026949
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press

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