War & the New Disorder in the 21st Century

Jeremy Black
War & the New Disorder in the 21st Century
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The second edition of Jeremy Black's 'War in the New Century' has been completely revised in the light of recent events in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jeremy Black's book prophetically explores the realities of war in a globalized world where growing prosperity can increase the likelihood of conflict and American power is likely to be increasingly challenged. In his five new chapters (see contents under) Black conducts his argument in terms of New World Disorder, specifically the failure of Western models of globalisation to engage support. There is extensive discussion of military structures in the West, as they are 'reconfigured' to take account of new political realities. Black considers that the USA is an 'eccentric' military power and developments in the USA should not be treated as a paradigm for those elsewhere. Instead, growing lawlessness across much of the world will be the main factor for consideration, specifically in the failure to maintain order/control in Sub Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-8264-7635-7, 9780826476357
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Continuum Publishers Co


Jeremy Black
Urodzony 30 października 1955 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii (Cambridge)
Jeremy Black, professor emeritus historii na University of Exeter. Autor licznych prac z zakresu historii wojskowości, w tym ponad 180 książek. Znawca brytyjskiej polityki zagranicznej i dyplomacji międzynarodowej.

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