Wydanie zbiorowe Z tomiku: ROCZNIK SATYRYCZNY 2023 HULAJ DUSZA! Wydawnictwo Fundacja Poetariat 🌹Wakacyjne love story ze skutkiem🌹 ...
Bywa tak, że czytam kilka książek jednocześnie. Cztery, pięć, może nawet sześć. Staram się tak wybierać lektury aby reprezentowały różne g...
Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can; there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did. ~ Sarah Caldwell 🖤 ...
Turquoise is also known as Feroza Patthar(stone) among many gem lovers and gemologists. It is one of the oldest gemstones on the globe that gained re...
When it comes to learning English, there’s no better place to immerse yourself in the language than the USA. Known for its cultural diversity, world-...
YOMOKO Publishing is pleased to announce the release of a new book by Jean-Marc Kania – “SAYINGS AND IMPERATIVES” which motto is: “ONE CAN OF...