
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "se na eter", znaleziono 3

Lesson learned? When people say, ‘You really, really must’ do something, it means you don’t really have to. No one ever says, ‘You really, really must deliver the baby during labor.’ When it’s true, it doesn’t need to be said.
Często mówi się, że chrześcijaństwo niczego nie boi się bardziej niż seksu. Uważam inaczej. Zawsze o wiele bardziej obawiało się inteligencji. Myśl komplikuje. Oto dlaczego chrześcijaństwo karało ludzi za nieczystość, ale mordowało ich za herezję.
'In Australia one has to consider whose and what aspects of cultures are reproduced. While recognising goals and functions for Indigenous Literature depicted by Indigenous authors, it is important to remember their comments on the mainstream literary critique and notice the above mentioned Indigenous Literature’s unsteady position within Literary History and Institutions. Not represented up to its miscellaneous aptitudes, Aboriginal literature (within literary discourses and social forms of organisation) engages with various systems of signs in the production of texts. These very texts replicate the meanings of a culture, which must be seen as ever changing. Assuming exclusiveness, and inclusiveness of Indigenous Literature, this article’s intention has been to dismantle the perspective of theoretical nativism in the case of Australian Indigenous Literature.' (ANTI-NATIVISM IN AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS LITERATURE. Kultura Globalizacja Historia, nr7) 'To jest moja droga koniecznosci/ za krotkie mam rece/ by siegnac snow/ zamieszkalych na drugim koncu' (Punkt widzenia)
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