
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "a tu haas i", znaleziono 4

Titanic - nieuchronna katastrofa. Legendy i rzeczywistość
2 wydania
Titanic - nieuchronna katastrofa. Legendy i rzeczywistość
John P. Eaton, Charles A. Haas

Eaton i Haas od wielu lat zawodowo zajmują się Titanikiem. Obecnie należą do najlepszych na świecie jego znawców. Są też jedynymi historykami, którzy zeszli 4000 metrów w głąb oceanu do wraku statku. ...

Titanic. Triumph and Tragedy. A Chronicle in Words and Pictures
Titanic. Triumph and Tragedy. A Chronicle in Words and Pictures
John P. Eaton, Charles A. Haas

No story of the sea holds such endless fascination. Featuredo on television, in books, the cinema, the press and even in song, history's most famous ship has stirred the imagination ofmore than three...

Optimal Device Design
Optimal Device Design
Prof. Tony Levi "A. F. J. Levi", Stephan Haas

Explore the frontier of device engineering by applying optimization to nanoscience and device design. This cutting-edge work shows how robust, manufacturable designs that meet previously unobtainable...

Titanic. Legacy of the World's Greatest Ocean Liner
Titanic. Legacy of the World's Greatest Ocean Liner
Susan Wels, William F. Buckley Jr., Charles A. Haas, John P. Eaton ...

On the calm, starlit night of Sunday, April 14, 1912, just five days after setting sail on her maiden voyage, the Titanic steamed full speed ahead into a North Atlantic icefield, collided with an ice...

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