Jak pisać o uczuciach w czasach wzmożonego lęku, pośpiechu i komercjalizacji wszystkiego? Jak mamy odnaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie, czym jest miłość? Sara Ghazaryan o miłości, najważniejszym uczuciu w ...
Felicity D. Scott revisits the architectural, art, video, and intermedia practices of the experimental collective 'Ant Farm', self-described super-radical activist environmentalists. Drawing together ...
Książka, wydana w oryginale w 1978 roku, zawiera swoiste scenariusze - "filmopisy", łączące teksty, które Debord recytował z offu głosem beznamiętnego komentatora, oraz didaskalia, opisujące to, co dz...
Święty Ludwik Maria Grignion de Montfort był kapłanem i pisarzem żyjącym na przełomie siedemnastego i osiemnastego wieku, autorem słynnego „Traktatu o doskonałym nabożeństwie do Maryi”. Propagował gor...
Film is an art form with a language and an aesthetic all its own. Since 1979, David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson's Film Art has been the best-selling and widely respected introduction to the analysis...
Luksusowy album poświęcony życiu i twórczości królowej art déco – Tamarze Łempickiej. Artystka zdobyła światową sławę dzięki świetlistym portretom znanych osobistości. Od najmłodszych lat interesował...
"In this smart survival guide for students and teachers - the only book of its kind - James Elkins examines the "curious endeavor to teach the unteachable" that is generally known as college-level art...
NEW! Classroom Response System (CRS) In Class Questions. Get instant, class-wide responses to beautifully illustrated chapter-specific questions during a lecture to gauge student comprehension-and kee...
The Art of the Storyboard "Chock full of valuable advice for anyone who wishes to create a visual representation of a production before rolling tape." Videomaker magazine
Photography Foundations for Art and Design, 4e is an introductory guide for those learning the basics of photography. Offering a clear and well-illustrated structured approach to the tools and techniq...
The Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound, 3e "If you're looking for the best source of knowledge and inspiration between two covers, you have only one choice: The Practical Art of Motion Picture Soun...
The classic reference, with over 25,000 copies in print, has been massively expanded and thoroughly updated to include state-of-the-art methods and 400+ all-new full color images! At ILM, compositing ...
This unique and authoritative reference work contains around 2,000 clear and concise entries on all aspects of modern and contemporary art. Its impressive range of terms includes movements, styles, te...