Profesor Mariusz Dąbrowski otworzył nowy rozdział w nauczaniu fotografii na Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie. Ksawery Piwocki W kontekście powrotu zainteresowania pięknem w sztuce można rozpatr...
The premise of this book couldn't be simpler: 130 photographs of DamienHirst taken by David Bailey during a single shoot lasting eight minutes.Each pose is spontaneous and determined not by Bailey but...
"Fate cut off earl his beneficent activities as researcher and teacher; let us, however, uphold his example and his works!" Albert Einstein
Zamieszczone w niniejszym tomie rozprawy, poświęcone Platonowi i jego twórczości, są rezultatem prowadzonego przeze mnie seminarium w Zakładzie Filologii Klasycznej i Recepcji Kultury Antycznej na tem...
To nowa seria edukacyjna dla 7-11-latków uczących się języka angielskiego. W poszczególnych książeczkach z tej serii czytelnik znajdzie frapujące przygody swoich ulubionych bohaterów. Wszelkie trudnie...
After life imprisonment was reinstated as a penalty in Poland, 304 murderers were sentenced between 19 November 1995 and 31 December 2011. In this monograph, the authors present the results of their o...
Dedicated to Marek Stachowski on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday.
Było ich sześć - trzy Katarzyny, dwie Anny i jedna Jane. Jedna z nich była żoną króla 24 lata, inna tylko półtora roku. Jedna zmarła, z dwiema król się rozwiódł, a inne dwie zostały ścięte. To było n...
Natsuki Matsuda, twenty-years-old, has proudly identified as gay since age fifteen. Then Komano, nineteen-years-old, comes into his life. He's always been popular with the ladies, but he's a free-spir...
Squire Terence and Sir Gawain are off questing again, but this time their journey is overshadowed by their ultimate destination: Gawain is to meet up with the Green Knight in a contest that could easi...
Jerry Cornelius is an English assassin, physicist, rock star, and messiah to the Age of Science. Mainstay of the infamous and influential magazine NEW WORLDS and star of some of Moorcock's most celebr...
Getting tangled up in fantasies about some man Joy saw maybe five or six times a year was ridiculous. And it wasn't like Gray ever encouraged her. He remembered her name. But that was as far as it ev...
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) once quipped that it is 'up to the author to take care of himself.' This rich selection of Shaw's correspondence with his US and UK publishers proves how much the drama...
This is the definitive biography on one of the most important and controversial figures of the 20th century. Drawing on interviews with Gorbachev himself, transcripts and documents from the Russian ar...
Remy’s not ready to settle down, not when the ladies love him so much. A giving demon, why would he deny them the pleasure of his excellent technique? But his view on monogamy changes when he meets a ...
With a giggle and an outrageous mouth - perfect for things other than talking - Katie comes flying into Xaphan's life, upsetting centuries of self-inflicted misery. How can he stay true to the one he ...
The legendary adventures of King Arthur, his Knights of the Table Round, and the court of Camelot come to life in a lively and accessible retelling by Howard Pyle.
For over half a century, the Bond novels have entertained millions around the world. 007 has been a cultural phenomenon since the first publication of Casino Royale in 1953. But no book has celebrated...
Authored by the foremost experts in the field, this comprehensive clinical reference covers the diagnosis and treatment of hip and pelvis injuries seen in sports medicine practices. The book details t...
This volume focuses on Ibn Sina - the Avicenna of the Latin West - and the enormous impact of his philosophy in both the Islamic and Christian worlds. Jules Janssens opens with a new introductory arti...
The Fedora 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible gives clear thorough instructions for the basic user and administrator skills needed to master the latest version of Fedora and RHEL. The book include...
Master the latest version of Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux with the step-by-step instructions and hands-on advice in "Fedora 9 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible". You can learn key system admin...
With Fedora's new Online Desktop, you are free to shape your desktop environment to include the services, applications, and online friends you desire. As always, Fedora's total dedication to freedom l...
This ground-breaking book focuses on the experiences and perspectives of children that are caring for a parent with HIV in the global North and South. Drawing on original research data, this book pres...
More than fifty years after his death, Albert Einstein's vital engagement with the world continues to inspire others, spurring conversations, projects, and research, in the sciences as well as the hum...
Youve made it. Old age. You want to make the most of your golden years and are finding yourself stereotyped and sidelined. But youre not the doddering geriatric people think you are. Get inspired by t...
Beauty might have married the Beast, but vows never promised anyone a simple life, least of all, the king and queen of Destin. It has been only five months since their wedding, but Ever and Isa are a...
The book challenges the long-standing canonical view among scholars that Theodor Herzl was unaware, until after his conversion to Zionism in the spring of 1895, of the Zionist thought and efforts tha...