
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "case cantz", znaleziono 11

Atlas Epilepsy Care In The World 2005
Atlas Epilepsy Care In The World 2005

This atlas is one of the most comprehensive compilations of available resources for epilepsy ever attempted, providing an illustrative presentation of information on the current status of epilepsy ser...

Atlas of Cranio-Facial and Skull Base Surgery
Atlas of Cranio-Facial and Skull Base Surgery
P. Cappabianca

This atlas, organized in two sections -neurosurgical section and maxillo-facial section- provides a comprehensive overview of the most modern surgical techniques in cranio-facial and skull base surger...

Ród książąt Glińskich. Bunt Michała Glińskiego. Czasy, ludzie i miejsca. Tom II
Ród książąt Glińskich. Bunt Michała Glińskiego. Czasy, ludzie i miejsca. Tom II
Ryszard Przybyliński
Cykl: Ród książąt Glińskich, tom 2
Seria: Bitwy/Taktyka

Historia rodu książąt Glińskich opowiada o ich rodowodzie i głównych przedstawicielach, którzy zaistnieli na scenie politycznej Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Bunt księcia Michała Lwowicza Glińskiego...

Ród książąt Glińskich. Bunt Michała Glińskiego. Czasy, ludzie i miejsca. Tom I
Ród książąt Glińskich. Bunt Michała Glińskiego. Czasy, ludzie i miejsca. Tom I
Ryszard Przybyliński
Cykl: Ród książąt Glińskich, tom 1
Seria: Bitwy/Taktyka

Historia rodu książąt Glińskich opowiada o ich rodowodzie i głównych przedstawicielach, którzy zaistnieli na scenie politycznej Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Bunt księcia Michała Lwowicza Glińskiego...

Natural Goat & Alpaca Care
Natural Goat & Alpaca Care
P. Coleby

A guide for goat and alpaca farmers. It covers all aspects of farming whether it be for two or 200 animals. The technical information is presented in simple terms and the husbandry consists of non-inv...

Color Atlas of Burn Care
Color Atlas of Burn Care
J. Barret

Superbly illustrated, with over 400 previously unpublished color photographs, Color Atlas of Burn Care covers all aspects of burn care - from burn wounds and inhalation injuries, to therapies, wound c...

Foot Care for Diabetes Chart
Foot Care for Diabetes Chart
F. Netter

Patients are taught to inspect their feet every day and illustrations depict what to conditions to look for that can affect the diabetic foot. Ulcers are described and the importance of preventing inf...

Photo Atlas of Skull Base Dissection
Photo Atlas of Skull Base Dissection
M. Wanibuchi

This photo atlas is a presentation of a series of step-by-step anatomic dissections as seen from the eye of an operating neurosurgeon. The book contains 1100 high-quality color illustrations, as well ...

Atlas of EEG in Critical Care
Atlas of EEG in Critical Care
L. Hirsch

As the population ages, technology improves, intensive care medicine expands and neurocritical care advances, the use of EEG monitoring in the critically ill is becoming increasingly important. This a...

Atlas of Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology
Atlas of Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology
R. Jackler

The second edition of "Atlas of Skull Base Surgery and Neurotology" presents an up-to-date reference for the latest techniques in the challenging area of skull base surgery. Greatly expanded in this e...

UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and O
J. Kirkwood

The seminal reference on the care of laboratory and captive animals, The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals is a must-have for anyone working in this fie...

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