
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "cinema chce", znaleziono 64

Cinema Panopticum
Cinema Panopticum
Thomas Ott

Drugi na polskim rynku - po„Exit” - album szwajcarskiego rysownika Thomasa Otta. Tytułowe „Cinema Panopticum” to namiot w osobliwym lunaparku, do którego przez przypadek trafia mała dziewczynka. W...

Paul Duncan

DNA kina: najbardziej nowatorscy i wpływowi twórcy kina dzisiaj. Tak jak wszystkie inne przejawy sztuki, film jest medium tak potężnym jakbroń masowego rażenia; jedyna różnica to taka, że wojna niesie...

Paul Duncan

This exciting new visual history examines the genre in thematic,historical, and aesthetic terms Horror is both the most perennially popular and geographically diverse ofall film genres; arguably, ever...

Paul Duncan

Beyond Kurosawa Exploring the work of the greatest Japanese filmmakers Until recently, the western world has viewed Japanese cinema through avery narrow prism. For years, Westerners interested in Japa...

Uffelen Chris

Cinema ArchitectureChris van Uffelen From the contents:? Prada Transformer, anywhere (OMA)? Pathé Gaumont in Rennes, France (Atelier Christian de Portzamparc)? Austrian Museum of Film in Vienna, Austr...


Celluloid Canvas: Film as an Artistic Medium A compendium of the development and history of film as art Movies should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarilyin that order. —Jean-Luc...

Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D
Agnieszka Meller-Kawa, Agnieszka Sikorska-Długaj

Grafika trójwymiarowa? Animacje? Renderingi? Z pakietem Cinema 4D to nic trudnego! Poznaj wydajne środowisko do tworzenia grafiki 3D Naucz się właściwie korzystać z odpowiednich narzędzi Opanuj...

B. Lacombe

Brigitte Lacombe ranks among the most prominent photographers of the contemporary movie and theater scene in France and the US. Her black-and-white portraits of actors and directors, among them Jean-L...

Encyclopaedia of Hindi Cinema
Encyclopaedia of Hindi Cinema

A full and informed volume of India's National cinema.

Czas w kinie. Doświadczenie temporalne w Slow Cinema
Czas w kinie. Doświadczenie temporalne w Slow Cinema
Marta Stańczyk

Tematem przewodnim książki Marty Stańczyk są przemiany, jakie zaszły w kinie w ostatnich latach. Choć autorka skupia się na nurcie nazywanym przez krytyków slow cinema – czyli filmach, które akcent...

The Post-Crash Decade of American Cinema
The Post-Crash Decade of American Cinema
Ewa Kowal

Crisis defines the present cultural moment. From the environment, through migration, to democracy, a continuous state of emergency engulfs us – so much so that crisis appears to be one of the few t...

TukTuk Cinema, czyli rzecz o Indiach, Gangesie, radości życia, wiecznie psującym się skuterze i Bolku i Lolku
TukTuk Cinema, czyli rzecz o Indiach, Gangesie, radości życia, wiecznie psującym się skuterze i Bolku i Lolku
Robert "Robb" Maciąg

Kiedy w 2013 roku Robb Maciąg jechał do Nepalu, by pokazać dzieciom z małej szkoły na końcu świata kreskówki z Bolkiem i Lolkiem, a także przygody Reksia, nie myślał, że ten projekt rozwinie się w zna...

Dzieje grzechu. Surrealizm w kinie polskim / A Story of Sin. Surrealism in Polish Cinema
Dzieje grzechu. Surrealizm w kinie polskim / A Story of Sin. Surrealism in Polish Cinema

Książka Dzieje grzechu stanowi bezcenny przewodnik po surrealistycznej terra incognita, której zarysy autorzy zbioru rozpoznają w filmach Wojciecha Jerzego Hasa, Waleriana Borowczyka, Andrzeja Żuławsk...

Spekulacje o kinie
Spekulacje o kinie
Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino jest nie tylko jednym z najsłynniejszych współczesnych twórców filmowych, lecz także prawdopodobnie największym pasjonatem kina na świecie. Przez lata w wywiadach przekonywał, że w ...

Richard Platt
Seria: Patrzę. Podziwiam. Poznaję.

przewodnik po historii kina

Cinema Today
2 wydania
Cinema Today
Edward Buscombe

Cinema Today is a survey of world cinema and the films that have dominated our screens over the last thirty years. Written by Edward Buscombe, academic and leading authority on Western films, Cinema T...

Italian Cinema
Italian Cinema
Peter Bondanella

Italian Cinema is the only complete and up-to-date book on the subject available anywhere, in any language. New coverage from 1989 to the present includes the Italian horror-film genre, Roberto Benign...

French Cinema
French Cinema
Rémi Fournier Lanzoni

To a large extent, the story of French filmmaking is the story of moviemaking. From the earliest flickering images of the late nineteenth century through the silent era, Surrealist influence, the Nazi...

German Cinema
German Cinema
David Clarke

German Cinema is an ideal overview of contemporary German film for researchers and students in both Film Studies and German Studies. Initially belittled by some critics for its alleged low-brow commer...

Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D
A. Powers

Make the creative leap to 3D. Realize your artistic vision with this treasure chest of instructional projects. Get the essential concepts and techniques without drowning in the technical complexities....

Magnum Cinema
Magnum Cinema

The photographers associated with Magnum have worked with movie-makers since its creation nearly 50 years ago. Robert Capa, one of the founders of what has become the world's most prestigious picture ...

Digital Cinema
Digital Cinema

The first complete overview of digital cinema technology, clearly detailing how each phase of the moviemaking process, shooting, postproduction, delivery, and exhibition, are changed by digital techno...

Cinema Entertainment
Cinema Entertainment
G. Sergi

Entertainment is a defining feature of contemporary culture, yet it is often accused of being superficial and even harmful. In this thought-provoking book, the authors challenge this negative view and...

Skyscraper Cinema
Skyscraper Cinema
M. Schleier

Whether tall office buildings, high-rise apartments, or lofty hotels, skyscrapers have been stars in American cinema since the silent era. Cinemas Arcades Project, among works of other critical theori...

Existentialist Cinema
Existentialist Cinema
W. Pamerleau

Existentialist Cinema" uses the works of such film artists as Antonioni, Bergman, Fellini, and Allen to critically assess the philosophy of the major existentialists. Film and philosophy is an area of...

Cinema & the Sandinistas
Cinema & the Sandinistas
Jonathan Buchsbaum

Following the Sandinista Revolution in 1979, young bohemian artists rushed to the newly formed Nicaraguan national film institute INCINE to contribute to "the recovery of national identity" through th...

Contemporary American Cinema
Contemporary American Cinema
L. Williams

'One of the rare collections I would recommend for use in undergraduate teaching ' the chapters are lucid without being oversimplified and the contributors are adept at analyzing the key industrial, t...

Children Cinema & Censorship
Children Cinema & Censorship
Sarah Smith

Children have long been one of cinema's largest audiences yet, from its infancy, cinema has in the minds of moral watchdogs accompanied a succession of pastimes and new technologies as catalysts for j...

American Independent Cinema
American Independent Cinema
Geoff King

The independent sector has produced many of the most distinctive films to have appeared in the US in recent decades. From 'Sex, Lies and Videotape' in the 1980s to 'The Blair Witch Project' and New Qu...

Cinema of Eisenstein
Cinema of Eisenstein
D. Bordwell

The Cinema of Eisenstein is David Bordwell's comprehensive analysis of the films of Sergei Eisenstein, arguably the key figure in the entire history of film. The director of such classics as Potemkin,...

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