CO TO JEST CZAT? A. Pogawędka w cyberprzestrzani? B. Państwo położone w centralnej Afryce? C. Tlenek węgla? D. Roślina pobudzająca? Jeżeli, nie umiecie odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, nie wiecie...
"Tornor. Podchmurna Twierdza. Zilia i Pel to bastiony strzegące krainę Arun przed napaściami barbarzyńców z Anhardu za północnymi górami. Tymczasem pojawia się charyzmatyczny przywódca z południa - Ko...
Codziennie rano już przy dojeniu Matylda niecierpliwie wyglądała na podwórze. Było bowiem coś, co krowa Matylda kochała nad życie… Ciekawa książka o zawadiackiej krowie, przeganianym listonoszu i go...
WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE? Everybody at Seiyo Elementary thinks that stylish and super cool Amu has it all: But nobody knows the real Amu, a shy girl who wishes she had the courage to truly be herself. Ch...
FRIENDS IN NEED Cute schoolgirl Amu has a secret: She has three magical companions. Only these enchanted Guardians know who Amu's true self is, and they'll do anything to help her unlock her heart! Th...
CAN A BAD GUY TURN GOOD? Amu's Guardian Characters have been stolen by her teacher, a bitter man whose dreams died when his own egg was smashed. When Amu goes to reclaim her Characters, the School Gua...
CHARACTER SWAP! Amu has three Guardian Characters, reflections of her true self. But now a fourth egg has shown up at the start of a new school year. Everything has gone wrong, and Amu has no idea who...
THE NEW KIDS! Amu and her Guardian Characters have found a home at an elite school. But now two new Guardians have been chosen, and each has a secret. One is more complex than Amu thought, and the oth...
BETRAYAL Amu has three Guardian Characters who represent different sides of her ideal self-and a fourth who has gone over to work for the evil Easter Corporation! Amu must now face her renegade charac...
BLACK CAT All the time they've been battling the Easter Corporation, Amu and her friends have never known which side mysterious bad boy Ikuto has been on. In this volume of Shugo Chara!, Ikuto is in t...
WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM THEIR FRIENDS Ikuto has disappeared, and it's up to Amu and her fellow Guardians to save him. But what about Tadase's mysterious past with Ikuto? And what does that mean for Am...
A BIG DISCOVERY Amu and the Guardians are battling the Easter Corporation in order to save Ikuto. But during the fight, two surprising things happen: Ikuto's troubled past is revealed, and the powerfu...
A HEART'S DESIRE... As Amu and Ikuto get to the heart of the Easter Corporation, the Embryo's true owner is found, and the egg from Ikuto's violin resurfaces! Later, as graduation approaches, relation...
THE ROAD TO THE FUTURE As graduation approaches, Amu's guardians, Ran, Miki, and Su disappear. Led by Diamond, Amu takes a journey on the road of stars to find her missing guardians. Will Amu find her...
HEART OF THE JOURNEY The Guardians of Seiyo Academy are all super busy in preparation for graduation. As the day of commencement approaches, feelings are confessed, and secrets are revealed, including...