Druga - po rewelacyjnym Izabeli Sowy. Jej bohaterka i narratorka, Wiśnia (czyli Wisława), przekracza właśnie próg dorosłości- rozpoczyna studia na sławnym Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie. Życie...
The cell cycle is tightly regulated on many different levels to ensure properly controlled proliferation. Deregulation of cell cycle regulation is a hallmark of cancer. In this book, many aspects of c...
This first modern book on the topic gives a broad overview on current technology and application areas for single cell approaches in life sciences. Identification and imaging of single cells which is ...
Molecular Cell Biology
Sprawa śmierci Audrey Specer wydawała się oczywista. Nie dla wszystkich. Telewizyjny reporter Frank Carnegie postanawia dotrzeć do szokującej prawdy. Zbiegi okoliczności nie istnieją. Trzeba dostrzec...
Było to dawno, dawno temu... Bohaterowie tej historii wyruszają na poszukiwania Smoczych Kul, które po skompletowaniu potrafią wywołać Shenlonga – Smoczego Boga, spełniającego jedno życzenie. Zdołali ...
Ma licencję na szpiegowanie, kradzież, sabotaż i zabijanie - po to, by chronić Amerykę. Pracuje dla supertajnego wydziału Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego. Działa sam. Uderza niespodziewanie. Jest ni...
Trzecia część słynnego komiksu science fiction autorstwa mistrza Jodorovsky`ego. W zdegenerowanym świecie przyszłości John Difool na własna rękę próbuje rozwiązać zagadkę znikania dzieci prostytutek. ...
Collecting the knowledge on how to bring nanomaterials and strategies together for assembling functional and structural artificial tissues, this volume treats tissue engineering in a materials science...
Pierwsza, najpełniejsza i jedyna możliwa biografia W.G. Sebalda – jednego z najbardziej oryginalnych i tajemniczych pisarzy XX wieku. Przedwczesna śmierć w wypadku odebrała mu szansę na literackiego ...
Endothelial cell biology has developed into a vibrant discipline and has become a critical instrument to study several disease processes on the cellular and molecular level. It is now widely recognize...
In recent years, the knowledge of how renal damage occurs in patients with plasma cell dyscrasias/myeloma has substantially increased. For the first time, this publication brings together issues relat...
Today mammalian cell products, primarily monoclonals, cytokines, recombinant glycoproteins and increasingly vaccines dominate the biopharmaceutical industry. Moreover, a small number of products consi...
This book provides a general introduction as well as a selected survey of key advances in the fascinating field of plant cell and tissue culture as a tool in biotechnology. After a detailed descriptio...
The Felberg English Readers is a new series of literature for elementary through advanced students of English, adapted especially to meet the needs of Poles and familiarize them with what is the Engli...
As the first comprehensive overview of this important class of enzymes, this two-volume handbook summarizes recent knowledge about the molecular mechanism of ATPases, relating this information to the ...
At first glance, the nervous and immune systems appear very different. However, both systems have developed mechanisms for memory formation - though of quite different quality and significance for the...
This volume contains monographs prepared at the 65th meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food additives (JECFA), which met in Geneva, Switzerland on 7 - 16 June 2005. It includes toxicolo...
Treated are all species of Mucor known in culture and not discussed in three earlier papers (Schipper, 1973, 1975, 1976). Described are 21 species and varieties, four of which are new taxa (Mucor amph...
This book reviews the latest technological developments of bioengineering approaches in cell and tissue research. It is meant to have life and spirit, and to become a pioneer in technology and science...
Tuberculosis (TB), a deadly airborne disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, takes the lives of almost 2 million people each year and is considered to be the most common infectious...
This book describes our current understanding of the transport of ions, amino acids, nucleosides, sugars, water and gases across the red blood cell membrane. It also outlines the necessary theoretical...
Stem Cell Biology in Health and Disease presents an up-to-date overview about the dual role of stem cells in health and disease. The Editors have drawn together an international team of experts provid...
This is the first book of its kind that treats reproduction, cloning, stem cell research and regenerative medicine in an integrative manner. Touching on the science, social aspects, legal and ethical ...
Summary This report represents the conclusions of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee convened to evaluate the safety of residues of certain veterinary drugs in food and to recommend maximum levels for s...
Combining a comprehensive treatment of both embryogenesis and organ development in one reference work, this is the first handbook to be structured according to organ systems. it addresses the function...
The second edition of this highly acclaimed, sixteen-volume Encyclopedia now contains 150 new articles and extended coverage of cell biology. It is thus the most comprehensive and most detailed treatm...
The second edition of this highly acclaimed, sixteen-volume Encyclopedia now contains 150 new articles and extended coverage of cell biology. It is thus the most comprehensive and most detailed treatm...
W każdej firmie, dużej czy małej, gotówka jest paliwem potrzebnym do napędzania biznesu. Pieniądze muszą wpływać do firmy przynajmniej tak szybko jak z niej wypływają. Utrzymanie dodatniego przepływu ...
The crew of the mining ship Caliban is on a routine mission deep in the universe and confident that nothing outside the normal humdrum monotony of space travel will occur. But when they encounter an a...