
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "jednak po raz zdazyc case", znaleziono 3

Facial Nerve in Temporal Bone & Lateral Skull Base
Facial Nerve in Temporal Bone & Lateral Skull Base
Mario Sanna, Tarek Khrais, Fernando Mancini

Professor Sanna's seventh Thieme book is an incomparable surgical atlas on the management of the facial nerve in the various surgical situations and pathologies encountered in temporal bone and latera...

Atlas of Cranio-Facial and Skull Base Surgery
Atlas of Cranio-Facial and Skull Base Surgery
P. Cappabianca

This atlas, organized in two sections -neurosurgical section and maxillo-facial section- provides a comprehensive overview of the most modern surgical techniques in cranio-facial and skull base surger...

Arterial Blood Gases Made Easy
Arterial Blood Gases Made Easy
Iain A. Hennessey

Arterial blood gas analysis plays an indispensable role in the assessment and management of patients with a huge range of acute medical and surgical problems. Its importance as a key tool in the work-...

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