Cheeky Monkey to nowy, trzypoziomowy kurs dla dzieci w wieku od 3 do 5 lat. Jego bohaterką jest zabawna małpka Cheeky, która wraz ze swoimi przyjaciółmi: Tomem, Ellie i lwem Rory przeżywa szereg fascy...
Cheeky Monkey to nowy, trzypoziomowy kurs dla dzieci w wieku od 3 do 5 lat. Jego bohaterką jest zabawna małpka Cheeky, która wraz ze swoimi przyjaciółmi: Tomem, Ellie i lwem Rory przeżywa szereg fascy...
The Student's Workbook provides extension practice for each lesson in the student book and includes access to the Cambridge Learning Management platform with extra practice activities and games. A Stu...
Practice Tests Plus books give realistic practice, guidance and strategies to help prepare for each paper of the Cambridge English Qualifications. There are three Practice Tests Plus levels for young ...
Surveys indicate that many E-Business efforts either fail or disrupt the basic business processes and transactions. E-Business is sometimes not aligned with the business or IT. Vague vision statements...
SOME GAMES ARE PLAYED FOR LIFE OR DEATH. Javul Charn is the most famous pop star in the galaxy—and the runaway bride of a violent lieutenant in Black Sun, the crime syndicate commanded by Prince Xiz...
Stardust to 5-częsciowy kurs dla dzieci w wielu 6 - 11 lat. Wyjątkowo elastyczny - dla klas mających od 2 do 4 godzin tygodniowo. Cześć pierwsza poziomu I to głównie słuchanie i mówienie. Pisanie wpro...
Stardust is a five-level course for children learning English in primary school. It offers a graded introduction to listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. The course offers a range of f...
Created in 1947, the Central Intelligence Agency is an important part of the U.S.A's intelligence activities, and is currently playing a central role in the "war on terrorism." While the agency is oft...