Pierwsza część serii rozpoczętej w 2013 roku, której kolejne odcinki nadal ukazują się na rynku frankofońskim. Lata 50., Stany Zjednoczone, małe, pozornie spokojne miasteczko, do którego przez przypad...
Ekspert w dziedzinie zabezpieczeń, John Chirillo, zachęca Czytelnika do poznania mrocznego i tajemniczego świata hakerów. Czerpiąc z bogatego doświadczenia we współpracy z firmami Fortune 1000, Chiril...
Napisana przez Johna Chirillo prowokacyjna książka "Hack Wars. Tom 1. Na tropie hakerów" prezentuje sposoby, w jakie hakerzy postrzegają technologie sieciowe, przybliża techniki używane do wykorzystan...
W ramach starannie dobranych wywiadów inkrustowanych wieloma niepublikowanymi wcześniej zdjęciami, Dayal zagłębia się jeszcze bardziej w historię black metalu na kartach książki, którą można traktować...
Oddajemy w Wasze ręce pierwszy tom komiksu, którego głównym bohaterem jest Rigor Mortis - Arcygeniusz Zła i Pan Zatraconych Ziem. Historia Rigora Mortisa osadzona jest w fantastycznym świecie Kragmort...
Jonathan Hickman (East of West) i Tomm Coker (Undying Love) przedstawiają komiksową serię o potędze brudnych pieniędzy oraz o tym, kogo można za nie kupić. The Black Monday to klasyczna, okultystyczna...
Kuzańczyk jest myślicielem niezwykle istotnym, a jego twórczość stanowi pomost pomiędzy epoką kończącego się średniowiecza a rozpoczynającym się humanizmem. Najważniejsze tendencje bliskie humanizmowi...
July 1977. Jack Reacher is almost seventeen, and he stops in New York on his way from South Korea to visit his brother at West Point. The summer heat is suffocating, fires are raging in the Bronx, th...
A Jack Reacher short story, published exclusively as an ebook: now also available in the new Reacher short story collection, No Middle Name. The tiny town of Naismith has nothing going for it - excep...
Black Jack is a mysterious and charismatic young genius surgeon who travels the world performing amazing and impossible medical feats. Though a trained physician, he refuses to accept a medical licens...
Black Jack is a mysterious and charismatic young genius surgeon who travels the world performing amazing and impossible medical feats. Though a trained physician, he refuses to accept a medical licens...
Black Jack is a mysterious and charismatic young genius surgeon who travels the world performing amazing and impossible medical feats. Though a trained physician, he refuses to accept a medical licens...
An original short story about Jack Reacher, available exclusively as a separate ebook (also included in the new complete Reacher story collection No Middle Name). Early in his military career, Jack ...
Roughly one significant crime is committed in the US every three seconds. So it's not unlikely to find yourself witnessing one. Jack Reacher is minding his own business in a town in Maine when he see...
I am Meredith Gentry, princess and heir apparent to the throne in the realm of faerie, onetime private investigator in the mortal world. To be crowned queen, I must first continue the royal bloodline ...
By day, Mel Strickland is an underemployed helpdesk tech at a startup incubator, Hatch, where she helps entitled brogrammers--"Hatchlings"--who can't even fix their own laptops, but are apparently the...
There is a world of myth and magic that intersects ours, and only a special few can see it. Misao Harada is one such person, and she wants nothing to do with magical realms. She just wants to have a n...
Kyo, the head of the Tengu demon clan, is Misao's only chance for survival. But even though she has sweet memories of him as a childhood friend, she has trouble reconciling them with the man he has be...
Misao is starting to trust her heart where Kyo is involved, especially after he gives her one of his primary feathers. It isn't just her first present from him, it's a magic talisman that will keep he...
Misao thinks she's come to terms with being the bride of prophecy and dating a tengu lord. But is she ready to bear her handsome demon an heir?! Kyo's grandfather is impatient to secure the power of ...
Misao and Kyo have traveled to the tengu village to end Sho's claim on the leadership of the clan once and for all. Misao knows there will be bloodshed, and things will only get worse if the battle is...
Misao knows her relationship with Kyo is dangerous, but she's used to being the one in peril! Will she be able to stand it when the tables are turned and Kyo is threatened? As leader of the tengu cla...
Raiko, the demon hunter who has been staying at Misao's house, is determined to save her--even if that's the last thing she wants! Kyo won't allow a threat to Misao to go unchecked and plans to take c...
Misao and Kyo finally go all the way, and Misao can't regret the new levels of intimacy, even though all the other demons seem to be able to tell that they are now lovers. But does Kyo feel the same w...
`Size-wise, these books span an open palm and have a very handy flap on the back and front as an integral feature of the cover which can be used as a bookmark. They are concise, yet thorough, providin...
CSI meets Harry Potter in this fantastic new graphic novel from Ben Aaronovitch, writer of the bestselling Rivers of London supernatural police procedural crime novel series! Something dark and slimy...
Up-and-coming actor Shin has become friendly with Tatara, a veteran actor he admires, which makes Shin’s boyfriend Shige visibly jealous. And when Shin and Shige finally get their chance to work toget...
Shige has decided to costar in a drama with Tatara, a veteran actor his boyfriend Shin adores. Tatara has made it known he thinks Shige is only going to drag Shin down as an actor. Wanting to prove hi...
In this second volume of the hit series, the Anarchist League of Scientists dives further into the Onion construct of reality than ever before, jumping wildly through worlds of wonder, fantastic beaut...