
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lana do and", znaleziono 9

Scott Lang Ant Man
Scott Lang Ant Man
David Michelinie, Matt Fraction
Cykl: Superbohaterowie Marvela, tom 48
Seria: Superbohaterowie Marvela

Były złodziej z mózgiem naukowca i złotym sercem - Scott Lang alias Ant-Man, maleńki wzorzec owadziej akcji! Mistrzowie pióra i ołówka David Michelinie i John Byrne godnie przejmują schedę po genialny...

Public Land Law in Poland; Resureces, Administration and USE
Public Land Law in Poland; Resureces, Administration and USE
Michał Możdżeń-Marcinkowski

Monografia składa się z 6 rozdziałów dotyczących zagadnień administracji publicznej, gruntów publicznych oraz szeroko pojetej gospodarki nieruchomościami. Książka przybliża anglojęzycznemu czytelnikow...

Polin A Land of Forests and Rivers. Images of Poland and Poles in Contemporary Hebrew Literature i
Polin A Land of Forests and Rivers. Images of Poland and Poles in Contemporary Hebrew Literature i
Ronen Shoshana

Praca prezentuje obraz Polski i Polaków w hebrajskojęzycznej literaturze Izraela ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat, ma charakter analityczno-opisowy. Szczególne miejsce przypada tzw. literaturze drugiej g...

Blood and Land
Blood and Land
J. C. H. King

'A history of resilience ... sweeping, comprehensive ... it's a story that has been waiting to be told' Guardian 'An account sorely needed ... a kaleidoscopic view of Native American history, refreshi...

Soils Land and Life
Soils Land and Life
S. Buol

Developed for non-agricultural majors, Soils, Land, and Life, 1st Edition, examines how and why various types of soil and land are used for human food production. Unbiased in approach, it discusses th...

3 wydania
Jeffrey Kastner, Brian Wallis

Jeffrey Kastner, based in New York, is a writer on art and culture. SeniorEditor of Cabinet magazine, he is a former Senior Editor of ARTnews, andContributing Editor of Art Monthly. As well as lecturi...

Where Land and Water Meet
Where Land and Water Meet
N. Langston

Water and land interrelate in surprising and ambiguous ways, and riparian zones, where land and water meet, have effects far outside their boundaries. Using the Malheur Basin in southeastern Oregon as...

Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady
Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady
Clarice Lispector

The morning became a long, drawn-out afternoon that became depthless night dawning innocently through the house. Tales of desire and madness from this giant of Brazilian literature. „Penguin Modern”: ...

The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady
The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady
Gerald Morris
Cykl: The Squire''s Tales, tom 2

Squire Terence and Sir Gawain are off questing again, but this time their journey is overshadowed by their ultimate destination: Gawain is to meet up with the Green Knight in a contest that could easi...

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