
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "large david", znaleziono 2

Nazi Games
Nazi Games
David Clay Large

The torch relay - that staple of Olympic pageantry - first opened the summer games in 1936 Berlin. Proposed by the Nazi Propaganda Ministry, the relay was to carry the symbolism of a new Germany acros...

What If?: The World's Foremost Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
What If?: The World's Foremost Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
Robert Cowley, Stephen E. Ambrose, John Keegan, David Clay Large ...
Cykl: What If?, tom 1

Historians and inquisitive laymen alike love to ponder the dramatic what-ifs of history. In these never-before-published essays, some of the keenest minds of our time ask the big, tantalizing question...

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