Szkoła Norra Latin skrywa straszliwą tajemnicę – wiele lat temu, podczas spektaklu "Snu Nocy Letniej" Shakespeare’a jeden z nauczycieli zmarł na deskach sceny teatralnej. Choć prasa i grono pedago...
From Mexico to Patagonia, Latin America is bursting with creativity. Aseconomiesin this region have prospered over the last few years, the demand for workby local creative talent has grown with them. ...
This Latin/English language reference contains thousands of entries, precise grammar and helpful listings of foreign abbreviations. Particular attention is paid to technical language, and contemporary...
Comprised of 20 countries located in North, South, and Central America aswell as the Caribbean Islands, Latin America is populated by over 500million people. From Argentina to Mexico, all Latin Americ...
Ameryka Środkowa w najdzikszym wydaniu Jak złapać stopa w Salwadorze, zachowując przy tym wszystkie organy? Czy można nie wybuchnąć płaczem podczas wybuchu wulkanu? I skąd w lodówkach w Nikaragui bi...
In this Bibliography Latin texts originating in a variety of countries over five centuries have been compiled for the first time on a single CD-ROM. With approximately 395,000 entries (about one third...
By the year 2000, Latin America will contain five metropolitan areas with more than 8 million people. Their combined population will be over 70 million, and approximately one Latin American in seven ...
Pielgrzymki do nieświętych krain. Życie w rytmie latino jest osobistą refleksją o życiu, w którym nie ma miejsca na nudę i bardziej niż korporacyjny szablon liczą się muzyka, miłość i uśmiech. Jest to...
Latin Culture in the Eleventh Century is a collection of approximately sixty papers presented at the Third International Conference on Medieval Latin Studies held at the University of Cambridge in Sep...
Wydanie książkowe rozprawy habilitacyjnej obronionej w Instytucie Filologii Klasycznej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Jej tematem jest lingwistyczna analiza struktur językowych języka łacińskiego.
Leksykon, zawiera wywiady, do tej pory nie publikowane zdjęcia, wypowiedzi znanych osób na temat twórczości Krzysztofa Krawczyka oraz nuty i słowa wybranych utworów. Do książki dołączono płytę, na któ...
Jorge Glusberg is Director of Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina, and one of the Directors of the International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA). He wrote many boo...
Zadaniem paleografii jest badanie historii pisma, jego osobliwości i ewolucji na przestrzeni wieków. Z reguły chodzi o pismo odręczne, głównie z czasów średniowiecznych, czyli sprzed wynalezienia druk...
Europeans and Latin Americans share a long history of mutual engagement. Bringing together scholars from Europe, Latin America and the USA, this volume offers insights that draw on diverse methodologi...
This Handlist records the known works of more than two thousand Latin writers from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales from the fifth century to the sixteenth. British and Irish writers who spent the...
Animowane rzeźby Chrystusa Ukrzyżowanego, zaopatrzone w mechanizmy umożliwiające poruszanie częściami ciała Zbawiciela, stanowiły ciekawszy przejaw kultury religijnej łacińskiego średniowiecza. Wierni...
A hymn to beauty, Latin America celebrates the profound and incrediblydiverse South American continent and its neighboring islands in all theircolor and gaiety. This title presents in a large format t...
This indispensable reference is a handy, A-Z introduction to the developing fields of Latino/a cultural and literary studies. From "acculturation" to "zoot-suit riot", the volume is comprised of a glo...
These brand-new books, split into two sections, are based on our extremely successful range for the French market. The first section consists of thematic chapters covering topics such as accommodation...
Provides a comprehensive analysis of why reforms in Latin America have failed in achieving growth and equity. The book focuses on three strategic areas of reforms of the Washington Consensus: Macroeco...
The Companion to Latin American History collects the work of leading experts in the field to create a single-source overview of the diverse history and current trends in the study of Latin America.
Marcello Mastroianni is considered by many to be the epitome of the Latin lover, the consummate symbol of Italian masculinity. In "Beyond the Latin Lover", Jacqueline Reich unmasks the reality behind ...
Examining the causes of an acute debt crisis that began in Latin America in 1982, this study investigates private banks of the region, relating how these financial institutions were a source of grave ...
This study examines external and domestic influences on Latin America's economic performance over the past decade and a half. It notes that over the past few years, macroeconomic policies have strengt...
This volume focuses on democracy in Latin America, and both assesses the state of current knowledge on the topic and identifies new research frontiers in the study of Latin American politics. It provi...
This work studies the development of bilateral relations in two pairs of states (dyads); Argentina-Brazil and Argentina-Chile. It takes on a moderate constructivist approach that incorporates into the...
An interdisciplinary interrogation of the concept of British 'informal empire' in Latin America. Builds upon recent advances in the historiography of imperialism and studies of the nineteenth-century ...
A compact, practical and comprehensive mini dictionary, which provides full coverage of the core vocabularies of Latin and English. New Latin words have been added from the writings of Plautus and Ter...
This is a major new edition of the "Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary", offering essential coverage of Latin words and grammar, as well as extra information on Roman history and culture. It has been upda...
Speak the right lingo in country after country, for over 5,000 miles! This book covers the local Spanish of: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatem...