La joven reina Marla es la soberana de una nación resplandeciente. Ahriel, un ángel femenino, está a su lado desde que nació, con la misión de guiarla y protegerla, y de guardar el equilibrio en los r...
Ahriel ha recobrado su libertad y obtenido su venganza, pero aún hay algo que debe hacer. Tras acudir a rendir cuentas a sus semejantes en la Ciudad de las Nubes, se dispone a reanudar la búsqueda de ...
Los miembros de la Resistencia han llegado por fin a Idhún, dispuestos a hacer cumplir la profecía. Pero no todo es tan sencillo como parece. ¿Asumirán los protagonistas su papel en el destino vaticin...
Tras la última batalla contra Ashran y los sheks, muchas cosas parecen haber cambiado en Idhún. Sin embargo, los Oráculos hablan de nuevo, y sus voces no son, ni mucho menos, tranquilizadoras. Algo es...
Laura Jane Williams combines sharp, relatable wit and bold, joyful sincerity’ Dolly Alderton ‘The love story you need in your suitcase this summer!’ Red ‘LJ’s honesty and voice are unique’ Stylist W...
The purpose of this book is to offer compelling insights into marketing today by bringing together the collected wisdom of the world for example Don Peppers and One-to-One Marketing, Seth Godin and Pe...
A collection of essays by forty of the nation's top legal scholars, theorists, and activists links pornography and hate speech to sexual harassment and racism
Traveling from Warsaw to Blackpool, Marseilles to Madrid, this book investigates the postmodern nature of contemporary Europe's urban life and cinema, and shows how European films represent these citi...
A focused, 50?60 hour course for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015. This Workbook provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Compact Fir...
Compact First for Schools is a focused, 50 - 60 hour course for Cambridge English: First for Schools, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE). The syllabus for this exam has changed and this ...
The course is designed to maximise the performance of school-age learners. It features eight units covering the core topics, vocabulary, grammar and skills needed for all four exam papers for the revi...
This collectible series builds into a fascinating library of reference material, covering every aspect of Key Stage 2 science and beyond. When used in conjunction with @Link, the reader has direct acc...
Dental Radiography 3e focuses on the essential principles of radiation and the technical skills necessary for the safe and effective use of radiation in the dental office. The book serves as both a te...
Vitamin 3-D provides an essential blend of sculpture and installation made by today's most influential artists. Featuring innovative new work from around the globe, Vitamin 3-D's patented formula wil...
Awesome in its power and beauty, the planet Saturn has gripped the collective imagination of humankind from the day of its discovery, but its extraordinary remoteness has made it inaccessible to teles...
Cambridge Grammar and Vocabulary for First and First for Schools provides complete coverage of the grammar and vocabulary needed for the Cambridge English: First and Cambridge English: First for Schoo...
Practical, proven ways to get fear, worry, and panic under control Think you worry too much? You're not alone?over 40 million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety. Help is here in this friendly ...
Designed for young children, this book allows readers to explore the world of the seashore at close range by lifting the flaps to find out more. The simple text reveals interesting facts and is accomp...
The Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications is a wide-ranging collection of diverse coverage of topics related to database concepts, technologies, and applications. This encyclopedia pr...
The new edition of this essential pocket guide covers the whole of clinical dentistry in a concise format. The authors have distilled the essentials of clinical practice into a readily accessible styl...
Fun English to nowy sześcioczęściowy kurs dla uczniów szkół podstawowych (od klasy zerowej), przeznaczony na 40-60 godzin lekcyjnych. Fun English, poza nauczaniem języka angielskiego, dba o wszechstro...
Bone Densitometry in Growing Patients: Guidelines for Clinical Practice, edited by Drs. Sawyer, Bachrach, and Fung, is a milestone book for all health prof- sionals concerned with bone health in grow...