
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "leading daab", znaleziono 27

Monika Burżacka Majcher, Jacek Grzywacz

W książce przedstawiono podstawowe zasady funkcjonowania leasingu w działalności gospodarczej przedsiębiorstwa. Jest to obecnie ważna forma realizowania inwestycji, zwłaszcza w tych jednostkach, które...

Bank a leasing : (finansowanie, zabezpieczenie, dochodzenie należności)
Bank a leasing : (finansowanie, zabezpieczenie, dochodzenie należności)
Katarzyna Gigol

Firmy leasingowe są ważnymi dla banków klientami, a koniunktura w branży leasingowej ma coraz większy wpływ na sytuację finansową banków. Książka "Bank a leasing. Finansowanie, zabezpieczenie, dochodz...

Leading Starts in the Mind A Humanistic View of Leadership
Leading Starts in the Mind A Humanistic View of Leadership
M. El-Meligi

This book offers a refreshing view of leadership as a psycho-social phenomenon. Attention is drawn to the conceptual muddle which underlies much of managerial practices, particularly in the selection ...

Reading as Interpretation. Towards a Narrative Theory of Fictional World Construction
Reading as Interpretation. Towards a Narrative Theory of Fictional World Construction

"Reading as Interpretation. Towards a Narrative Theory of Fictional World Construction" podejmuje próbę skonstruowania kognitywnego modelu narrotologicznego opisującego mechanizm interpretacji tekstu ...

Reading Judas The Gospel of Judas & the Shaping
Reading Judas The Gospel of Judas & the Shaping
E. Pagels

This author team, writing in an engaging, accessible style, is the first to reflect on the recent discovery of the "Gospel of Judas" and how that text provides insight into explaining how Jesus' follo...

Planetary Vol. 3: Leaving the 20th Century
Planetary Vol. 3: Leaving the 20th Century
Warren Ellis, John Cassaday
Cykl: Planetary, tom 3

Get ready for the third hardcover collection of the acclaimed WildStorm series by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday! This stunning volume collects PLANETARY #13-18, featuring the continuing adventures of...

Leading a Support Group
Leading a Support Group
K. Nichols

Why are support groups important? How are they formed, run and ended? How can untrained personnel develop a basic capability in running support groups? Psychological support is now known to be a signi...

Spectrum Reading Grade 2
2 wydania
Spectrum Reading Grade 2

Bestselling Reading Workbook series aligned to state and national standards

Spectrum Reading Grade 3
Spectrum Reading Grade 3

Bestselling Reading Workbook series aligned to state and national standards

Spectrum Reading Grade 4
Spectrum Reading Grade 4

Bestselling Reading Workbook series aligned to state and national standards

Leading in a Culture of Change
Leading in a Culture of Change
M. Fullan

"At the very time the need for effective leadership is reaching critical proportions, Michael Fullan's Leading in a Culture of Change provides powerful insights for moving forward. We look forward to ...

Real Reading 4 with Answers
Real Reading 4 with Answers
Liz Driscoll

Wiele osób, pomimo długotrwałej i intensywnej nauki, nie czuje się swobodnie w anglojęzycznym świecie. Seria Cambridge English Skills została przygotowana dla tych uczniów, którzy potrzebują pomocy w ...

Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers 5 Vols
Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers 5 Vols
E. Husserl

Edmund Husserl was the founding father of phenomenology and one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century.This collection will make available, in one place, the very best essays on H...

Management Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World
Management Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World
Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell

Bateman and Snell have consistently discussed and explained the traditional, functional approach to management through planning (delivering strategic value), organizing (building a dynamic organizatio...

Logo Lounge 4: 2000 International Identities by Leading Designers
Logo Lounge 4: 2000 International Identities by Leading Designers
Catharine Fishel, Bill Gardner

The fourth volume in the best-selling LogoLounge series provides 2,000 new logos from designers worldwide. Foundation and web site members each supply multiple logos to the site.Each LogoLounge book p...

Reading and Writing Skills 2 SB LONGMAN
Reading and Writing Skills 2 SB LONGMAN

This is a part of a three-level series which develops reading and writing skills for young learners. Each book includes topics of specific interest to young learners and provides training in tradition...

Reading and Writing. Targets 3. Student's Book
Reading and Writing. Targets 3. Student's Book
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley

Reading and Writing. Targets 1, 2 i 3 to seria uzupełniająca podstawowy podręcznik kursowy. Każda z trzech części rozwija i integruje sprawności czytania i pisania od poziomu beginner do poziomu pre-i...

Academic Encounters 4 Teacher's Manual Reading Writing
Academic Encounters 4 Teacher's Manual Reading Writing
Bernard Seal

The Academic Encounters Second edition series uses a sustained content approach to teach skills necessary for taking academic courses in English. There are two books for each content area. Academic En...

Academic Encounters 4. Second Edition. Reading and Writing
Academic Encounters 4. Second Edition. Reading and Writing
Bernard Seal

This package includes the Student's Book, Level 4, and Writing Skills Interactive, Level 4. In the Student's Book, learners develop important skills such as reading for the main idea, reading for spee...

Reading and Writing Targets 2 SB EXPRESS PUBLISH.
Reading and Writing Targets 2 SB EXPRESS PUBLISH.
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley

Reading and Writing Targets 1, 2 i 3 to seria uzupełniająca podstawowy podręcznik kursowy. Każda z trzech części rozwija i integruje sprawności czytania i pisania od poziomu beginner do poziomu pre-in...

Reading and Writing Tergets 1 SB EXPRESS PUBLISH.
Reading and Writing Tergets 1 SB EXPRESS PUBLISH.
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley

Reading and Writing Targets 1, 2 i 3 to seria uzupełniająca podstawowy podręcznik kursowy. Każda z trzech części rozwija i integruje sprawności czytania i pisania od poziomu beginner do poziomu pre-in...

English Made Easy Ages 3-5 Preschool Early Reading
English Made Easy Ages 3-5 Preschool Early Reading
C. Vorderman

Help your 3-5 year old get a head start with this graded home-study series Let Carol Vorderman help your child to succeed in their National Key Stage Assessments in English. Children can follow the ex...

Academic Encounters. Level 3 Student's Book Reading and Writing
Academic Encounters. Level 3 Student's Book Reading and Writing
Jessica Williams, Kristine Brown, Susan Hood

The Academic Encounters Second edition series uses a sustained content approach to teach skills necessary for taking academic courses in English. There are two books for each content area. Academic En...

Academic Encounters. 2nd Edition. Life in Society 3. Reading, writing
Academic Encounters. 2nd Edition. Life in Society 3. Reading, writing
Jessica Williams, Kristine Brown, Sue Hood

In the Student's Book, learners develop important skills such as reading for the main idea, reading for speed, note-taking, and academic writing skills. Writing Skills Interactive provides instruction...

Unlock 1. Reading and Writing Skills Student's Book and Online Workbook
Unlock 1. Reading and Writing Skills Student's Book and Online Workbook
Sabina Ostrowska

Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education™ with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unlo...

Unlock 3 Reading and Writing Skills Student's Book and Online Workbook
Unlock 3 Reading and Writing Skills Student's Book and Online Workbook
Westbrook Carolyn

Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education? with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unlo...

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