Ojcze nasz – synteza całej Ewangelii, modlitwa, która wyraża najgłębszą tęsknotę serca… Zaproponowany przez autora komentarz do Modlitwy Pańskiej otwiera na Bożą miłość i Boże przebaczenie. Ojcze nas...
Ten-year-old prodigy Negi Springfield, has just graduated from magicacademy. He dreams of becoming a master wizard. Instead he's sent to Japanto teach English . . . at an all-girls high school! All th...
For ten-year-old teacher Negi Springfield and his all-girl class, it'stime for final exams! If his students manage not to end up with the lowestscores in school, the principal has promised to make Neg...
There is a vampire stalking the night! Normally ten-year-oldteacher/magician Negi Springfield would have no problem dispatching such avillain, but this vampire has a magic-enhancing partner-and worse,...
When ten-year-old prodigy, Negi Springfield graduated from university witha degree in magic, he never imagined he would soon be teaching English toa bevy of gorgeous high school girls. Now, Negi's old...
A FIELD TRIP INTO PERILTen-year-old teacher/magician Negi Springfield islooking forward to taking his class of beautiful girls to the historiccities of Kyoto and Nara' but there's a catch! Negi's stud...
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