
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "library d raz", znaleziono 26

Vampire Library tom 1
Vampire Library tom 1
Lee Sun-Young
Cykl: Vampire Library, tom 1

Piękne, eteryczne istoty, obdarzone ponadprzeciętną siłą, wieczną młodością… i ostrymi kłami. Wampiry, bo o nich mowa, opanowały serca milionów ludzi na całym świecie. Ich miłośników nie zabrakło też ...

Vampire Library tom 2
Vampire Library tom 2
Lee Sun-Young
Cykl: Vampire Library, tom 2

Wymarzona praca w bibliotece okazuje się całkowitym zaprzeczeniem tego, co wyobrażał sobie Mano. Nie dość, że wampirzy współpracownicy dorzucają mu coraz więcej obowiązków, to jeszcze bezwstydnie igno...

Vampire Library tom 3
Vampire Library tom 3
Lee Sun-Young
Cykl: Vampire Library, tom 3

Zaniepokojony Carvel próbuje ustalić, czy Mano naprawdę jest szpiegiem łowców wampirów. W tym celu prosi o pomoc Louisa, a ten z radością podejmuje się roli detektywa! Kiedy kilkugodzinne śledztwo zda...

Vampire Library tom 4
Vampire Library tom 4
Lee Sun-Young
Cykl: Vampire Library, tom 4

Louis udaje się w pościg za jednym z najbardziej poszukiwanych przestępców i zarazem swoim młodszym bratem, Lottą. Czy wypełni złożoną przed laty obietnicę, choćby miała to być ostatnia rzecz, jaką zr...

Intl. Bibliography of Bibliographies in Library v 1 teil 1-3
Intl. Bibliography of Bibliographies in Library v 1 teil 1-3

The International Bibliography of Bibliographies in Library and Information Science and Related Fields records some 20,000 bibliographies focusing on library and information sciences. It also covers p...

The Catalogue of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts and Miniatures in the Princes Czartoryski Library and Museum. Part 1. The Netherlands (15th-16th Centuries)
The Catalogue of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts and Miniatures in the Princes Czartoryski Library and Museum. Part 1. The Netherlands (15th-16th Centuries)
Katarzyna Płonka-Bałus

Książka ukazuje kolejne rękopisy na szerokim tle sztuki niderlandzkiej XV i XVI wieku. Hasła katalogowe mają charakter rozszerzony i wzorowane są na wzorcowych wiedeńskich katalogach zbiorów Ősterreic...

The Library. A World History
The Library. A World History
Will Pryce, James W. P. Campbell

Cambridge Shakespeare Library 3 vols
Cambridge Shakespeare Library 3 vols

These three volumes represent the best Shakespeare criticism of the last fifty years. 140 articles have been organised under three main headings with substantial introductory essays. The first volume,...

Bodleian Library Oxford v.1
Bodleian Library Oxford v.1
Linda Dennison

In this new series of fascicles, all images contained in English Late Gothic manuscripts from libraries throughout the world will be catalogued according to a carefully prescribed template, described,...

Bodleian Library Oxford v.2
Bodleian Library Oxford v.2
Lynda Dennison, Ann E. Nichols, Michael T Orr, Kathleen L. Scott

This book is the second in a continuing series of publications listing and identifying all illustrations contained in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII. This was a prolific pe...

Bodleian Library Oxford v.3
Bodleian Library Oxford v.3
Kathleen L. Scott

This book is the third volume in a continuing series of publications listing and identifying all illustrations contained in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII. This was a proli...

Swaps & Financial Derivatives Library 2 Vols
Swaps & Financial Derivatives Library 2 Vols
S. Das

The Das Swaps & Financial Derivatives Library Third Edition Revised incorporates extensive new material in all sections to update existing areas of coverage. In addition, several new chapters covering...

Weber Routledge Library Editions 8 Vols
Weber Routledge Library Editions 8 Vols

Max Weber (1894-1920) is generally recognized as one of the founding fathers of modern sociology. This collection pays homage to his continuing influence, not just within sociology, but also political...

How to Build a Digital Library 2e
How to Build a Digital Library 2e
I. Witten

How to Build a Digital Library is the only book that offers all the knowledge and tools needed to construct and maintain a digital library, regardless of the size or purpose. It is a perfectly self-co...

Renaissance & Reformation Reference Library 2 vols
Renaissance & Reformation Reference Library 2 vols
Peggy Saari

This resource brings the people of the Renaissance and Reformation to life for today's students. Renaissance and Reformation: Biographies introduces students to 50 people of the era, including Galileo...

The Desk Reference Library 1/3
The Desk Reference Library 1/3

"The Desk Reference Library" of immense practical help. This set of volumes is invaluable for everyone.

Greenwood Library of American Folktales 4 vols
Greenwood Library of American Folktales 4 vols
T. Green

Provides access to the stories and legends that have captivated us for generations and continue to influence film, television, literature, and popular culture. This four-volume work gathers a range of...

New Webster's Desk Reference Library 3 vols
New Webster's Desk Reference Library 3 vols

Extremely useful for all the office staff set containing The New Webster's Dictionary, The New Webster's Computer Handbook and Concise Office Guide. Very helpful for every single day of work. Thanks t...

Cold War Reference Library 5 vols + Cumulative
Cold War Reference Library 5 vols + Cumulative

Stretching from the end of World War II to 1989, the Cold War between the Western powers and the Communist bloc shaped national alliances around the world. This four-volume set examines the historic c...

Encyclopedia of Library & Information Science 4 vols
Encyclopedia of Library & Information Science 4 vols
Miriam Drake

Documenting the state of library and information science in the 21st Century, the Second Edition includes new material on competitive intelligenceelectronic records preservationdecision support system...

Setting Up a New Library & Information Service
Setting Up a New Library & Information Service
K. Porter

This book is intended as a guide for those people who have been charged with establishing a library or information service in their organisation. It is a practical guide to the steps that need to be t...

International Criminal Law Practitioner Library v 2
International Criminal Law Practitioner Library v 2
G. Boas

Volume II of the International Criminal Law Practitioner Library series focuses on the core categories of international crimes: crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes. The authors present a...

Dane & Thomas How to Use a Law Library
Dane & Thomas How to Use a Law Library
Philip Thomas

The fourth edition of the practical guide to researching or tracing legal information, designed to help users find the material they need with the minimum of effort and to use it with confidence. It s...

Winnie-the-Pooh Pocket Library (6 books)
Winnie-the-Pooh Pocket Library (6 books)

Meet Pooh Bear and all his friends in these six sweet books.

A Global Clan (International Library of Historical Studies)
A Global Clan (International Library of Historical Studies)
Angela McCarthy

"A Global Clan" explores the impact of Scottish migration on New World development. With a new approach linking personal accounts to 'networks' of kin and social groups, this book taps into the expand...

Crime & Punishment in America Reference Library 4 vols + Pe
Crime & Punishment in America Reference Library 4 vols + Pe
Richard Clay Hanes

Covering the evolution of the American criminal justice system throughout history, the four-volume Crime and Punishment in America Reference Library explores everything from juvenile justice to organi...

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