
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "light dom i", znaleziono 6

Dom mroku, dom światła
Dom mroku, dom światła
Andrea Perron

Rodzina Carolyn Perron długo szukała miejsca, gdzie mogłaby zapuścić korzenie. Jej pięć córek wychowało się w Willimantic (Connecticut), skąd potem Perronowie przeprowadzili się do większego domu w Cu...

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
2 wydania
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Mark Haddon

Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He can...

Three Dog Night
Three Dog Night
Tymber Dalton
Cykl: Triple Trouble, tom 3

For Elain Pardie, every night is a three dog night. With Ain, Brodey, and Cail Lyall as her mates, Elain's biggest worry is getting through her wedding. She doesn't want to let the cat out of the bag ...

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
M. Haddon

A fantastically unusual detective story written from the perspective of an autistic boy. Christopher is 15 and lives in Swindon with his father. He has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. He is obs...

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night
Mark Haddon

Christopher Boone is a 15-year old autistic savant in Swindon, England. He hates being touched, cannot tell a lie, or understand metaphors or jokes. He is a whiz at math and enjoys puzzles. When the n...

Scooby-Doo Picture Clue #16 Stormy Night
Scooby-Doo Picture Clue #16 Stormy Night
Robin Wasserman

The Picture Clue books are based on the traditional "rebus Reader" - using a picture as a tool for learning a word. On the sample spread, you can see where a picture is substituted for a word. This gi...

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